Chapter 3: Afterschool

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[Hideo's Pov]

School is over and now I'm walking through the door as I see my mother sitting on the couch.

"How was your day today honey?"

"It was alright mom. Can I go out tonight?"

"As long as you're back before 10 pm. Then we won't have problems ok?"

"Alright, mom. I promise I'll be back before 10 pm. Can I go now?"

"Have something to eat first and then you can. Stay safe please"

"I will don't worry! I always am safe"

Before I go to have something to eat I go upstairs and enter my room and close the door as I slid the suitcase from under my bed with my weapons in. A knife, gun, katana, and some others.

It's as clean as ever as I grab a spare backpack I keep for them as I pack them. Today is gonna be a good day for some action.

Text message:
Charlotte: Hideo don't forget we're gonna talk to the tall dude tomorrow.

She didn't have to text me that. I don't tend to forget things.

Time Skip

I drag the people back to my secret hideout as I place them on the chairs and tie them up grabbing my stool and sitting on it.

"W-why are you doing this?! Hideo please let us go!"

"You know this crazy guy?!"

"He goes to my school!"

I throw my stool at the girl. "IT IS FUCKING THEY/THEM! Anyways, I gotta add to my kill list. I've taken down between 100-200 kills. You two are gonna be added to it! Isn't it exciting?!"

The guy shook his head beginning to cry. "I have a family and girlfriend and friends. Please don't take my life! I-I can give you money! I'll do anything...just don't kill me"

Lots of money eh? I can trick him into thinking he's free and then murder him. Can't leave anybody alive.

I open my bag as I go to tighten the rope sitting on the girl's lap. I believe her name was Saki. I'll check.

"Is it Saki that your name is? I think you'll look great in a body bag!" I grab the gun from my bag putting it up to her neck.

"P-please Hideo! Don't do this! A-are you the one who's killed all those missing people in our school?!" Mmm, I wish but I haven't been doing everybody. Someone else is doing work around here as well.

"Yes I am but not all of them Saki. Someone else has been doing some work around the school as well. I don't know who don't know what their work looks like but I know it is someone else in our school as well. I'm afraid no witnesses are left alive. It's ok if there's an afterlife you'll be with others. I don't just murder people from our year but anyone who I feel"

I shoot her in the head blood spilling everywhere as I turn to the other person. "Do you have your money on you?"

I check Saki's pockets and I find her to have no money on her but her phone; other belongings. I smash the phone and grab a lighter I had burning her other belongings.

"I-I do my wallet is in my pocket man. Please just let me go now"

I check his pockets. Telling the truth. Almost makes me want to spare his life but like I said no witnesses are left behind.

"You're foolish for thinking I would let you go. No witnesses. Now hold on you deserve a death hm..." I look through my weapons taking out my katana.

He wiggles as he tries to break free. "What way do you want to be cut in half? Swing from side to side? From your head to your penis? Down to up? I'm giving you the choice here. Don't test my patience"

He cried still moving around as I sat on him between his legs. "Excuse me~you have 5 seconds before I make up my mind"

I get up kicking his face as I lay him down on the chair facing up as I slice him in half from head to penis. Jesus this one is gonna be a bit difficult to clean up.

Blood was everywhere victims suffered. I'm satisfied for the night.

I go to my draws wiping my fingerprints from the weapons I used tonight. Scrubbing the area from head to toe as I put the bodies in trash bags, turning on my furnace disposing of everything to expect from my weapons that I made sure will not trace anything back to me. I did destroy everything the man had on him as well.

I can now go back home. Dad will probably be home soon. Have tea, relax; then go to sleep for school tomorrow.

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