Chapter 5: Gut Feeling

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[Hideo's Pov]

"Tatsuo, can I talk to you for a second?"


We went somewhere quiet. I told Charlotte I won't take long.

"Are you one of the murderers in our year and the school overall?"

Tatsuo tried to grab my face as I hold onto his clenched hand. "No need to panic, I'm the other murderer that you probably thought about. It's me I'm the other"

I let go of him as he takes out a cigarette. "Smoking is bad for you. Do you not know the side effects I'm guessing?"

"Can't stop. It's addicting you wouldn't understand you fucking straight-A student who uses his gift to get where he wants to be"

I roll my eyes. This guy doesn't understand a thing about me. "I go by they/them pronouns and no I'm not just a straight-A student you don't know me at all. So let's not assume somebody just by what people see. Thanks"

"You don't know what the fuck I've been through Hideo. Anyways, now that we both know we're the murderers. We can keep out of each other's way. I don't want to get to know you or your friend. I'm still better off alone"

This isn't getting anywhere. We shouldn't compare our rough pasts. "Hey, we shouldn't compare our pasts. It's what happened it's not our fault...I don't think you're better off alone. Give me a chance Tatsuo. Try with Charlotte as well"

He finally lights the cigarette smoking. "Does your friend know you're a murderer?"

"If she knew she wouldn't want to be friends with me anymore and might report me to the police! You need to stop asking stupid questions idiot"

"Don't be insulting me. It was just a question. You could have answered it yourself considering how smart you are"

I then focus on the case. "That has weapons in doesn't it?"

"Of course it does. Do you want to come to my house tonight? I'm not assed if you do or don't"

Should I go to this idiot's house? I bet it is a dirty and old small, depressing room. Parents lazy. I've got nothing to lose if I go but my life if he decides to try; end me.

"I'll come to your house tonight. I'll share my number with you and you can text me the address tonight"

I give Tatsuo my phone as he types the number into his contacts. "I'll do that now so I don't forget"

"Are you gonna join me and Charlotte Tatsuo?"

He puts out his cigarette. I hate that smell. "Might do but I'm still not going to class after"

"When you said you don't understand anything. Why is that?"

"Maybe I should change my mind about you coming to my house"

"I'll remember not to piss you off about that then. It's not even terrible to ask"

"Just shut it. Want me to join or not?"

If you stop being an asshole. "Yeah but stop acting like you right now and no being sexist"


Killing Lovers Book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant