Chapter 14: Two Sides To The Story

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[Hideo's Pov]

Nobody spoke to me. All I got was more requests for favors. Charlotte was helping Tatsuo with anything he needed; when I tried to intervene I was told to shush. Do you believe this woman?

Why am I getting the silent treatment when I did not choose to commit this argument?

"Hideo. Come up to the board and write this answer"

My amazing skill of writing down the answer. I sat back down.

"How long is the silent treatment going to go on for?"

"Until I talk to you separately," She said.

I roll my eyes this is so petty. My own best friend probably on his side the person we really don't know.

[Charlotte's Pov]

"I forgot to ask but is your mouth alright?"

"Yup, it's alright Tatsuo. What's your story on how the argument started then?"

I check out my nails waiting as he starts to tell me what happened.

"I was in the bathroom wanting to be alone. Hideo came in asked if I was ok I didn't want to speak to them and so I walked away. They got petty about it; then the insult pissed me off more. That's it"

"Hideo was only trying to help from what it sounds like but it wasn't right they insulted you like that"

"They shouldn't of. I could come up with something much worse"

"No. Let's not make it worse now. Solving it is the maturest way. We can move forward then"

Tatsuo nodded. "Your right but I ain't saying shit didn't cause this. Go talk to Hideo"

"Hideo! Come on tell me your side then"

Hideo walked over. "Well, you know that I said to you I'm gonna go check on Tatsuo and I walked in and saw him on the floor I asked if he was ok and he got up and brushed right past me; I said something such as don't expect me to ask again I only tried to comfort you. Then he got mad; then I said what I said and we had a mini battle then you intervened"

"Then you hit me in the mouth but I know that wasn't on purpose. Now, the best thing to move forward is to put this incident in a lock" I drag Hideo seeing Tatsuo as I make them stand next to each other.

"I'll be standing over there I don't want to see or hear anything that isn't an apology"

[Tatsuo's Pov]

"Are you gonna say something or am I gonna walk away?" I turn to them.

"Tatsuo...I didn't mean to piss you off but all I asked was a question. You overreacted. Have you never been told are you ok...?"

I look away keeping my mouth shut. Hideo elbowed my shoulder. "I don't think might have been the first person to ask"

"Have you ever been asked if you're ok Hideo?"

"I have but that's not my concern"

"It's my fault let's drop this and move on alright Hideo?"

Charlotte wondered around as she flicked Hideo's arm. "Good, it's resolved! Let's go sit"

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