Chapter 16: Company

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TW: Mentions of r*pe

[Hideo's Pov]

I wave to Charlotte after me Tatsuo and her hung out and talked and got to know each other more. Tatsuo found out about Charlotte's hobbies such as painting, watching series etc and other conversations. He did have another tutor lesson.

"Welcome home honey. Dinner is on the table and wipe your feet" Mother heard me come in as dad went to wash up.

"Come on son, you don't want to eat cold now"

Time Skip

After eating dinner, I went upstairs grabbed my backpack; got some favors done for tomorrow. People can be generous and give me a deadline until Friday but it varies on what the project/work is so that's why.

I didn't have a lot to do because I like to keep organized in making sure that everything is up to date.

I check the time 6 pm. I have hours to kill off. Draw or kill...I want to save the satisfaction of people dying so draw.

Time Skip

I felt him touching me. I always feel him. That day...that memory. I was only in my youth I still am but I was violated.

I felt when he kissed me for the first time and how I said in a quiet tone 'Daddy please don't I'm sorry for only getting a 95.'

I recall him saying 'You need a punishment. I don't give a fuck. You're pathetic for not getting that 100. We raised you to be the best.'

That's when I was dragged by my mom watching not interfering, watching her child getting r*pe...I remember when I was bleeding after I remember crying my eyes out. My parents said 'Take it like a soldier, cap your emotions.'

He didn't listen when I wanted him to stop...when I was always hit for doing the littlest mistakes, always having a consequence.

I was relieved on the day they decided to put me up for adoption.

I sweat, shooting up out of my sheets. I hug myself sobbing as I still feel like someone will do the same thing my dad did to me.

Nobody knows about when I was 5 years old on that day. I hate thinking about it. I wish to forget it but that day is graved in my head.

Would Tatsuo be awake to talk to? Maybe. He doesn't seem like the type to be asleep.

Text message:
Me: Are you awake?

Tatsuo: Not a sleeper. What's up?

Me: Wanting someone to virtually text to

Tatsuo: Alright. I'll be back

He's not gonna come back. I scroll on my phone looking at documentaries.

I hear a squeak on the window as I check it out, WTF TATSUO?! He opens the window as he climbs in.

"This isn't what I mean by virtually! Virtually means online Tatsuo"

Tatsuo shrugged sitting on my bed. "Right but I'm here now. You must have contacted me for a reason"

Do I want to tell him why? Research does say a person who is a stranger judges you less on topics because they don't know you enough but Tatsuo knows a bit about me. I guess that could work with the link of the stranger thing. If we're gonna have a strong friendship, he should know about my past; when he's ready he can discuss his past. Charlotte doesn't even know about my past and I've been friends with her for a year and a bit.

"Yes, there's a reason why. My parents weren't the best not my adoptive parents my biological ones meaning they aren't my blood-related parents who you know. They taught me to control my emotions, fake them when necessary, punished me when requirements weren't met" I pause Tatsuo not interrupting me.

"One day when I came home from school I got a 95 I my test I presented my parents my score, and my dad said I needed punishment. This was when I was 5. He took me to the bedroom and r*pe me doing other shit as well. I remember getting left in the bedroom to process what happened, and ever since then, I've been wanting to always score perfectly. I got adopted when I was 9 best thing ever my parents never pressure me and tell me to do my best"

"Hideo. You didn't deserve that. I'm sorry for what you've been through" Tatsuo looked to the side.

"I'm surprised you know what r*pe is. What about you?"

"I don't feel like sharing my shit"


I grab onto his arm as I saw sparks coming out of his hand...what? I ignored it breathing in his face.

"P-please let go Hideo"

Fear. In his voice. "Why? WHY WHEN YOU WON'T DO THE SAME?!"

Tatsuo pushed me back. "PISS OF! Don't touch me like that!" He sobbed as I froze.

Shit...why did I do that? "Tatsuo...I did not mean to. It's just I haven't been vulnerable around anyone before"

"Don't do it again"

"Wanna listen to some music? You can stay the night"

Tatsuo moved onto the floor. "You can stay in my bed idiot"

"Oh? Ok!" He jumped back on.

I'd chuckle, getting comfortable. "Night"


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