Chapter 13: Argument

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Thursday 10th January

[Tatsuo's Pov]

The bathroom. That's all I wanted to be at right now. I know the lesson starts soon. I know but I've never cared.

I stare at myself. No matter how much I present as masculine, I'm always still that person born at birth. I don't know how to express my emotions but when I think about my identity...I'm not feeling great. Everybody sees me as a male and my name is boyish enough but it wasn't always that.

Fuck I hate when this happens. Binders only help temporarily; I'm stuck in this stupid body that doesn't feel like mine.

I'm screwed if someone else walks in they best not or I'll uncover my axe and chop their head off.

I feel like that little boy again crying after facing my 'punishments.'

I throw my bag to the left side of me covering my face with my legs wrapping my arms around my legs sighing. I do hope Hideo and Charlotte have forgotten about me for now.

I take off my cover for my axe as well unzipping the bag as I place it to the side running my fingers through my axe.

Bastard the door. Hideo. Lovely I don't want to deal with them seeing me like this.

"Go away..."

"Tatsuo lesson is starting soon. Oh...are you ok? Do you need-" I place my axe back into my bag putting it back on my back staring at them grabbing my other bag as I adjust my hat getting up and brushing past their shoulder.

"Whatever then don't expect me to ask again I only wanted to try and comfort you"

"I don't fucking need you to do that when you don't even know shit about me! I don't want you saying the lesson is starting soon I know!"

Charlotte walks up. "I hear you two from over here what's going on?"

"Nothing Charlotte everything is stable," Hideo told her.

She nodded popping her lips. "Right so I didn't hear Tatsuo saying that. Don't tell me you're already arguing...I'm dealing with two children"

"And we know I'm the smartest one here so sad hat head here is the only child"

"Say that again and see where you end up" I threatened standing over them. That's what I like about my height I'm intimidating.

Hideo didn't say a word; they didn't seem to be afraid just looking up and down. I didn't see any threat of attack but the next thing I knew I was with a twisted arm and on the ground.

"HIDEO! GET OF HIM COME ON DON'T FIGHT!" Charlotte tried to pull Hideo off but got hit in the mouth instead. Hard. She sniffed falling and feeling her mouth go sore.

Hideo looked back as I punch their shoulder getting on top of them. "Well, who's the winner now?"

"Piss off Tatsuo get off me or you'll so regret it"

I kick them off brushing myself off and fixing myself walking away to the next period. "I'm glad you aren't gonna ask about how I feel again"

[Hideo's Pov]

"Charlotte. I apologize. Let's get you to the-"

"You aren't my carer Hideo. I'll go on my own" She was cold. She didn't like what I was doing.

"Tatsuo caused this. You'll get that in your head"

"I don't care who caused it. I'm gonna get a note from the nurse on why I'm late"

"I'll see you in class then"

I only asked a simple question and it turned into this shit.

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