Chapter 15: Tatsuo...

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[Hideo's Pov]

Average day average time. I'm gonna see Tatsuo, maybe he wants to murder today? We do need to discuss teaming up.

"Tatsuo? You in? Open the door! Fine I'll let myself in"

Something is not right. "Tatsuo?! What the fuck is he doing?" I smell a distinct smell as I make my way to his room.

"Open your door! I smell something foul!"

No reply, I grab my gun shooting the handle, I know it would have been locked.

Shit. Packets everywhere Tatsuo is on his side his arms reached out on the same side, he looked out of it, is he responsive? He might need care! No, he will need care. I check his pulse he's breathing, but he mustn't have registered my calling.

"Tatsuo. Are you awake?!" I'm not gonna be responsible if he dies.

"H-ha Hideo...I'm in my happy land..." I smack him leaning him against his bed as he falls face flat onto the sheets.

"You need to get to a hospital! How much did you take?! There's used drugs everywhere!" I sit in front of him.

"I'm...p-please don't get me to the hospital...they already hate me enough. Leave me alone I can take care of this myself"

"I'm not leaving you in this state. You were so close to an overdose there. I'm not letting someone die today"

Tatsuo chuckled looking up at the ceiling now as he rolled over. "You let lots of people die Hideo"

"This is different..."

"How is this different? I'm just another person" He stated as I'd lay next to him making some space.

"Because you're my friend you don't leave friends to die. Our friendship only got started and I don't want it to end early because of you taking too much dosage"

"What did you come here for Hideo?" Tatsuo rubbed his temples.

"I was going to discuss murder and us teaming up"

"Didn't we already talk about that...?"

"No Tatsuo but...can you promise me something?"

"What's a promise?"

"You won't do it again" I replied.

I hesitate to hold onto Tatsuo's hand, he looks at me as if I was being dumb. "How am I supposed to keep that? I can't help it and I've never had anybody care about me not wanting to die"

Tatsuo drags his hand back. I feel different, this is abnormal for me. "I want to help you get over your addiction. No more more smoking now as well"

"Who the fuck are you coming into my house and bossing me around?! I don't want your help!"


The setting was slight. What to say now? "Hideo...I have no idea what they are but it doesn't sound great. Why do you care? We only know a few bits about each other"

"You're just...there's something about you. We are knowing each other better"

"Yeah we are but I've never seen someone be so concerned about you about my health. Idk how to feel about how you feel about that"

"I neither Tatsuo but all I know is my gut says I cannot lose you because our path just started"

"You confuse me with your words shorty" I'm not that short.

"I'm not even small. I'm more than average height I'm 5'10. Btw have you always felt that hot to the touch?"

"Dunno, do I? It must be normal for me"

"Humans are not that hot in temperature"

"Well, I must be" Tatsuo replied.

Back to why I came here. "Do you want to murder tomorrow then?"

"Sure Hideo. I thought you would have come with Charlotte here"

"I should have asked"

"She can come over"

Text message:
Me: Come to Tatsuo's house I'll send you the address

Charlotte: I'll be over then

"She's coming"


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