Chapter 20: Murdering

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[Hideo's Pov]

We arrive at my hideout. "It's not clean but this is where the magic happens"

"I just do it plain out in public in an ally"

"Cliche. Anything else Tatsuo and are you alright? You did nearly have an overdose yesterday"

Tatsuo knocked over a stool, sharpening his axe. "I'm good. I'm used to it. Hospitals hate me. I've seen what I need to let's get people; I do bring victims to my house"

"Are you sure you want to be wearing a suit while being sinful?" I objected.

Tatsuo brushed my question away as we left to start our speech.

We dragged in a total of 5 victims. "Now my little buns, I have a friend with me today! This is axe man!"

"Axe man?" Tatsuo seemed off guard with this code name.

"It's a code name"

"What's that?"

"Tell you later"

"P-please! I don't want to die!" Did I permit someone to talk?

No, I did not. "Ah ah, you didn't get permission to speak human" I hold onto the chair tighten the rope and allow Tatsuo to take the first hit.

Tatsuo points the sharp side of his axe hitting the person in the groin. "AHHHH FUCK MY LIFE SHIT!"

We chuckle continuing as all the other 4 could do is watch, waiting for their fate to come.

Time Skip

There's that red-smelling familiar smell and style. "Let's get cleaned up. I have a shower installed. We'll take turns"

I look to my side seeing Tatsuo licking the blood. "What the fuck are you doing?" I facepalm putting his fingers away from his mouth after he gathered the blood from his shirt.

"I always do it"

"And you never considered you could have diseases?"

Tatsuo shrugged. "I'm going first. I'll give a signal of a knock when I'm finished"

[Tatsuo's Pov]

I'm having drugs when this is done. I slide onto the ground ripping apart the people taking the organs as I place them in my trash bag. I eat one of the brains waiting for Hideo to come out as I'd start to grow bored.

I stand myself up and entered the door, it was unlocked what's in here?

I heard the water running, as I get closer to the distance. I closed the door.

I watched, and a few seconds later I see Hideo washing their body nothing on.

They spot me as they grabbed the towel wrapping it around themselves. "Tatsuo! I didn't give the signal. W-why are you in here?! Have long have you been standing there? How are you not assed?!"

Hideo looked red. Why were they? "Hideo why are you red?"


"Can I shower with you?"


Hideo lifted their legs over, the red changed I get kicked out.

Why were they mad by that?

A few minutes passed by the door opened, and Hideo threw me a towel. "Make it fast. I'll burn the bodies and wipe our weapons"

Hideo didn't look up at me saying this as they brushed passed me.

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