Chapter 29: Concern

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He dropped his younger sister at dance class waving her goodbye, setting his skateboard down on the ground putting his foot on it and then skating off.

He ruffled his black volumed hair, slowing down as he picks up his skateboard entering the wired fence, meeting people older than his age.

"Hey, I! C'mon got a cig warmed up for you!" One of the older guys spoke 2 to 3 years older.

The younger grabbed the cigarette taking a puff. "I've gotta get home study"

"You are get good fucking grades! You don't need to do shit rn!"

"Some of you guys finished school I haven't...I'll have a drink or two hang out then I'll go home"
[Charlotte's Pov]

"Is Tatsuo not coming down for breakfast?"

"He's on a walk" Hideo answers.

"It's the right time to speak to you privately then. After breakfast"

Hideo needs to hear my concern, they are in a relationship with Tatsuo! We haven't known him long...can people like each other that quickly?

"Hideo...I'm looking out for you, are you sure you want to date Tatsuo?"

"Charlotte. He's getting himself together and we...we connect I care for him I want to...yeah. We're taking this slow"

Relief. Hideo is taking their time. "I'm looking out for you. I don't want you to get upset if you two fight because that would happen"

Hideo smiled a bit patting my shoulder. "I appreciate it. We'd fight likely but we'll find the solution"

I gave a similar smile, drinking my water from a glass. "Is Tatsuo recovering from his drug addiction still?"

"He's doing great. Do you think I pushed him with a promise not to smoke and do drugs though?"

"Sending someone to be pressured can work...I'm not sure about that promise. Speak to him about how he feels is all I can advise"

"I'll do that. I'm gonna get going soon. I'll text Tatsuo to meet back at mine"

I nodded smiling still hugging them. "Keep me updated"

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