Chapter 31: I Care For You

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[Hideo's Pov]

I read revising I took my books with me relaxing by a tree on the hill zoning out to the sky every minute or second.

The verbal argument with Tatsuo still lingers in my mind.

An unknown person walks up to the hill I'm on, he looks older but around a teenager still.

He has all black hair, green eyes, a skateboard on his back and he had an aura of 'he's a kind guy.' I continue back to my revision.

"Hi. Can I sit here?" My focus must have made him get attention.

"I'm Hideo? Why are you sitting next to me?"

The guy smiled pointing to my textbooks. "I also revise..."

"Revision is important to keep up with the context provided"

"I'm Iki" Damn he's got a deep voice. His puberty must have been a god sent to him.

"You seem older"

"I'm 16. You?"

"13" I answered. Iki nodded looking at my expressions.

"You don't seem ok. Something roaming you can't stop thinking about?"

How good is this man at a relationship problem? I don't wanna spill out but Charlotte ah I don't wanna hear it.

"I got into a relationship with someone and we've had an argument I said for him to promise something he didn't but I took it as he did and he didn't break it technically in fact no but I'm still upset and mad he did it"

Iki placed his skateboard on his side taking out strawberries. "Want one I'm not an expert on relationships but communication is significant. Speak to him. Be honest about how you feel, let each other say what you want no interruptions"

I grab a strawberry chewing with my mouth closed. "Of course, it is but not when angry"

"Never go to bed both angry"

"I said for him that can he promise to stop doing drugs and smoking"

Iki nodded patting me on the shoulder. "Im gonna get going. Wanna add my socials so we can talk?"

He's not a pedo so I'll do that. "Yeah go on I'll add your social"
[Tatsuo's Pov]

I waited in Hideo's house for a few minutes. I hope they'll be back. They would be.

D: Pointless

If you don't wanna wait to go do something else.

D: I am

I chomp on a kidney, hearing the door open. If it's Hideo's parents run.

Hideo entered sitting on the couch at the end. "Hey. I didn't expect you to be here. Are you ready to talk or are you gonna do what you do?"

"I'm sorry for taking drugs I was...I just needed to"

"I care about you. It can kill you. I'm sorry for kicking off. Addiction isn't easy to overcome. I hate when we fight" Hideo apologized moving next to me.

"I wanna stop. I felt great about not being on them. I-I promise I'll stop smoking and having drugs"

This is a big step but this is for Hideo, we have something...they care and they are my first...I want my relationship to grow with them.

Hideo reached for my hand holding it, they lay their head on my shoulder. "You can keep it?"

"For you"

Hideo hugged me, I hugged back smiling, I may well start to open up about how much I want to. "My mum got me into drugs when I was 10. She never took them herself"

"Is Tiana your mom?"

"She is" I quickly replied.

"I'm gonna text Charlotte everything that went on won't say personal details about you"

I grab the remote seeing what's on the program channels.

"I met a guy whos 16. His name is Iki. Appears to be a skater. He gave me useful advice"

"At least he didn't kidnap you" I joked.

"Nope you wish"

"Hideo I'm not sure if I'm ready for the test tomorrow"

They stroke my cheek as I hold their hand. "You will be amazing. We can only do our best"

"You'll do more amazing. I feel like a murder spree. Hideout?"

"Let's dip"

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