Chapter 36: An Amazing Dinner

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[Narrator's Pov]

The four sit individually taking their plates and drink of choice.

"Me & Tatsuo have done some talking and he wants to move in" The women made clear waiting to see what her husband says.

Mr Reina sips on his water flabbergasted. "You didn't inform me about this honey. What would his parents say if we accept him to stay?"

The younger said something this time. "I don't have any not until I was 10" Tatsuo replied quietly.

"Hideo. Do you want your friend to stay? He'll have to be in your room" He turned to his child.

"I want him to dad. Mother agreed"

Mr Reina nodded. Heidi nodded along. "After dinner do you want to go get your stuff Tatsuo? Hideo would help wouldn't you?"

Hideo sipped on their drink. "Yeah"

"I'll do that then"

"I'll get some bags for you then sweet heart" Heidi offered, one of those offers you can't turn down.

Everybody spoke, having conversations about anything that came into their head.

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