Chapter 32: Test

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Monday 14th January

[Tatsuo's Pov]

"Test conditions now everyone. Answer every question even if you aren't sure. It still could be correct"

This is nerve-racking. I want to do good. Hideo and Charlotte have been great, I turn the paper, shit.

D: Hah. I know how to answer this.


THIS IS EW. I look at the clock, tick tick it's only been a minute. I read the questions again doing them searching for the revised memory.
[Charlotte's Pov]

Everything I had up here went for a vacation. Even preparation pisses me off. Come on give me what I looked at.

I need to answer some questions, I want to get a C I'd be smiling.
[Hideo's Pov]

Is this even challenging? How can you not do amazing on this? The questions are predictable!

I finish in 20 minutes twirling the pen in my hand. I don't want to hand it in yet, I go over my responses, the grammar, punctuation, and a perfect score.

I place down my paper reading the facial expressions of others. Lastly, Tatsuo's. Yesterday was when we got to the hideout and murdered.

The aftermath was...awkward not to him but to me but it was nice Tatsuo respected my boundary.

I continue to analyse Tatsuo, zoning out.


We got done murdering today's victims. Tatsuo tore apart one of them, grabbing a lung. Watching him do's marvellous. I'll never admit but it's hot.

We need to wash up, I crouch down grabbing the bodies and throwing them in the lit furnace.

"Do you want to shower first?"

Tatsuo crouched eating the unknown person's lung. "You can"

I nod, going to the shower and closing the door.

I hum letting myself process. I never knew I was going to be in a relationship. His personality is good but I hate what he went through, if I was there I'd protect him. When he nearly felt like I lost a piece of myself.

"Hideo-" I scream, reaching for the towel covering my body.

"Did you not hear what I said the other day?! Don't walk on me naked again!" I hide my face I'm flustered. This MAN!

Tatsuo grinned. "We're partners now"

"That doesn't make this fact different"

I step out we look each other up and down Tatsuo going close. "I can shower with you now?"

"T-that is odd. How would you feel comfortable with that-"

Tatsuo undressed. Only leaving his binder on. I do not look down.

"You're insane" I turn to the door.

"I'm a killer. Fucking insane it is Hideo. You are to"

I chuckle. "I'm not comfortable with having a shower with someone else even if it's my boyfriend. Not ready for that level. Sorry for disappointing"

Tatsuo laughed along turning the water on and taking off his binder not looking down. "You aren't disappointing. Is it a boundary? Why be sorry for one?"

"Thank you for respecting it. I'll let you continue"

I grab my clothes from the rack, leaving the room.

*End of flashback*

"Hideo!" Charlotte snapped her fingers. Huh? The bell rings. I take my test handing it to my teacher.

"I'm surprised you didn't hand it in earlier"

"I zoned out"

Tatsuo handed his. "That shit done"

Charlotte twirls her fingers. "Some of the questions were difficult"

"I got uh...I left out two" Tatsuo says.

"You can still have a good score darling"

"This being the third wheel is gonna get boring" Charlotte rolled her eyes.

I pat her shoulder smirking. "Not as boring as listening to a lecture in class"

"I'll give you that one Hid. Lectures make me sleepy"

Tatsuo turned back impatiently. "Be quicker! Why are you being so slow?!"

"It's a conversation darling"

"Speed walking and conversation" He replied impatiently.

"Someone needs to work on their patience" Charlotte commented.

Tatsuo didn't have a comeback to say, he let the silence come.

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