Chapter 13

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Y/n's pov

'Don't run away.' You say, Tomioka only looking down with his palms the only things supporting him as his head hangs low, the teardrops landing onto his hands on the floor. Despite you were surprised to see him like this, you reach your hand over to his shoulder, patting it slowly just as Kyojuro used to do to you whenever you were upset.

'See? You're not as emotionless as everyone says.' You tell him, crawling closer to him on your knees before hesitantly pulling his head over to your shoulder putting your arms around his shoulders. You feel them shake under your hands, you only tapping the cold fabric of his jinbei with your warmer palm.

'Your friend knew you were worthy. The only person who does not is you.' You whisper, your ivory jinbei turning darker with his tears.

'We can't bring back the time, Tomioka. We can only move forward. Whether you stay restrained by the past or live for your friend is your choice.' you say for the last time, rubbing his shoulder once more before standing up. Tomioka only looks up at you with confused eyes, them turning rounder as they tremble with tears.

'Oyasumi nasai. Giyu.' You say to him still staring at you, giving him a light smile before walking back into your room.

[10 years ago]

You sit by Yui, Sakura, and Haru on the floor of your family estate, your father, the former Spirit Hashira, taking out four white arm bands with the deer symbol of spirit breathing embroidered over.

'As you know... once you have entered the final selection, there is no going back. You have all chosen to go down the difficult path and it will be brutal. I cannot tell you how hard life will be once you walk down this path. But I also know that you four are just as tough.' He says as he ties the white bands on your arm, moving onto do the same to your three friends.

'Hai!' You all reply, oto-san only giving a warm weary smile.

'Come back home.' He says, pulling the four of you into a hug.


'Oto-san...' You see your father standing in front of the gate of your family estate, tears threatening to fall once again as you run over to him, abandoning the wooden stick that you've been supporting your injured leg.

'Y/n.' He says, squeezing you in his arms.

He doesn't ask about Yui. Or Sakura. Or Haru, the understanding in his eyes without words.


The next morning, you thank the old lady running the wisteria estate, Tomioka only quickly bowing his head to the woman, his eyes having turned back to their normal blue orbs. The walk back to the heardquarter is silent, Taro somehow having found you midway on the road that he decided that it would be a great idea to sit on your shoulders while you walk for hours.

'Did you get any sleep?' You ask Tomioka walking by your side, Taro staring at him curiously. He nods once without saying anything, Taro looking uncomfortable at the silence that he starts to nib at your sleeve.

'Arigato.' He suddenly says, stopping on the spot as you stand next to him. 'You would be the first person to bother about me after Sabito. Y/n.' He says without looking at you before continuing to walk away ignoring your surprised face.

'Donmai, Giyu.' You say more to yourself as he keeps on walking forward, you frozen to the ground.

'Hurry up!' Taro quacks squeezing your shoulder, and you glare at him before sprinting over to Giyu once again.


'YAMERO!' You hear Tanjiro's voice as you both near the headquarters, him looking angry looking up at the roof of the butterfly estate.

'Nani gore...' you say as you watch Uzui holding up the butterfly estate helpers, already on the roof ready to fly off to wherever his mission was.

'They're not for battle! Put them down!' Tanjiro shouts, Uzui looking irritated as he watches the child yelling at him.

'Baka.' Giyu simply says as he watches Uzui, turning his gaze back onto the ground. You try to stifle your scoff, Uzui turning his gaze towards you.

'Don't judge me! I have a mission.' He says down at you and Giyu, but you only watch his "flashy" face sourly.

'If you take them into a mission and they come back dead, I'm going to report you to the Master over his green tea.' You say, his eyebrows tightening.

'Let them go! I'll go instead!' Tanjiro yells again, Zenitsu and Inosuke next to him looking at him with unamused faces.

'Me too!' Zenitsu and Inosuke say in the end, their faces looking determined with their eyes almost popping out.

'Fine!' Uzui says, his smile reappearing onto his face as he lets go of the girls from the butterfly estate. 'It'll be flashy!' He says, taking all three children in his arms at once and jumping over the roof.

//// Tanjiro squad's makeover session ////

'You really think they will be picked to work in the entertainment district?' You ask Uzui as you walk by the three children looking like chicken with their hideous makeup.

'They looked better without this.' You say, Uzui's eyes only going blank as he rushes the children out of the door away from you.

'Sayonara, L/n-san Tomioka-san!' Tanjiro says cheerfully as he gets pushed out of the door, you and Giyu watching them all blankly.

'Sayonara, Tanjiro.' you say, watching Zenitsu already almost crying that his bright red blush gets mushed across his cheek.

'Baka.' Giyu says blandly once again watching Uzui get out of the door himself, the loud sound of two stomachs growling ringing in the empty air.

'Let's go.' You tell him, following the smell of warm yamakake udon.

Author's note: okay changing to first name terms was kind of awkward to write. Also, I appreciate all your votes and comments 👌🍱👌🍱👌

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