Chapter 34

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Y/n's pov

After the training in the field, everyone seemed to regain their motivation as they had experienced their increased strength after getting closer to mastering their inner strength. You watch over the other slayers sitting back in the cave, their eyes closed firmly as they focus to break the wall in their mind. Unlike the other times, you were feeling rather impatient although you knew that for one to find inner peace, it could take years. But you also knew that time was not something the Corps would waste right now. With three of the upper moons slain only this winter, everyone knew that Kibutsuji was going to come with everything he has, especially when Nezuko had conquered the sun. 

Turning your head, you look at the yellow boy, him somehow willingly concentrating harder than ever, Tanjiro next to him frozen on the ground as his spirit left the material world. His expression remains peaceful, his lips pulling into a vague smile. You wonder if he was seeing his family again, well and alive in the spirit realm although they were dead in the material space. You knew that most of the slayers joined the Corps after their families were eaten by demons, whether it was because they had nowhere else to go or they wanted to avenge the demons for their family's death. You and Kyojuro were among the minority of the Corps members who joined by pure will and family honour, which made you two to be alienated from the others when you both were younger, lower ranked slayers. 

You suddenly snap out of your thoughts as you hear Tanjiro gasping for breath, his eyes wide as he balances himself with his palms on the ground. Standing up, you take a cup of water to him, him gulping down the liquid.

'I- I saw them die-' He says, his knuckles turning white as his fist around the cup tightens. 'He killed all of them.' He says again, the angry tears pooling in his dark red eyes. You only place your hand on his shoulder, him shaking as his tears pool on the ground below. 

However much you wanted to comfort the others when they talked to you about their family being slain by demons, you struggled to find the right words, as you knew there were no right words to say to those who lost people closest to them. Instead, you could do was to use the ancient Spirit Breath users' words to help them become stronger, bringing them one step closer to their goal. 

You wipe off the tears from his cheeks, Tanjiro quickly wiping off his own eyes before he takes a deep breath. He looks up at you, his expression relaxes back to his normal self although his dark red eyes burned with strength.  

'I'm ready.' He says, taking his wooden sword and leaping out of the cave. 


Your quickly swing the wooden sword under Tanjiro, his feet leaving the ground. He lands on his back, the winter breeze freezing the field once more.

'You need to use the five senses more. Try to balance them with your sense of smell.' You tell him as you help him up. Tanjiro nods, catching his breath as he fixes his stance. 

Stepping forward, you lunge the wooden stick towards him, the air rushing past you as you sharply bring the wooden sword back up towards Tanjiro. You look up, Tanjiro nearly floating above you in the air, the sunlight dissipating as it falls on his dark red hair, his face invisible from the light. You feel yourself smile, the shadow of his form in the air falling onto you. Before you even notice, your arms relax, the tightness you've been feeling for weeks while training the other slayers softening. 

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