Prequel 1 (if u want more pain 🤡)

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Yui's pov

I squeeze my mouth shut with my palm trying not to make any sound as the head of the boy in dark uniform rolls on the floor, his body thudding a second later. I push myself further into the closet, the door not closing fully from his arm stuck between the hinge. From the tiny opening between the door, I see the monster rip his arm out, the sound of the flesh and bone sending the chills down my back as more children in dark uniforms run through the room only to be slaughtered.

'Oka-san' I try to speak as I see my parents' corpses on the engawa through the bloodstained shoji doors, the monster's eyes shifting over to me as I frantically try to close the door. I feel my throat tighten as the demon drops the half eaten body of the boy, its arm shooting through the closet. Moving to my sides, I hear the closet breaking, the debris flying into the air as the monster grabs my ankle, pulling me back with its cold sleek hand.

'You think you can trick me.' I hear the monster hiss as I claw at the remnants of the furnitures, the monster only pulling at my ankle higher in the air. Just as I feel the demon's fangs against my skin, the air flashes in dark green, my cheek colliding with the floor only followed by the sharp sound of a metal cutting across the flesh.

'Are you hurt?' I hear someone say as they pull me up, the dark green eyes of a man looking concerned as I only stare at the monster dissipating into the air. He cleans the dark green blade, sheathing it back to its scabbard.

'CAW! The Master apologises that he had to send you to decapitate the demon even long after your retirement!' I scream at the talking crow as it lands on his shoulders, the man only looking sympathetic at the scene, the bodies of my family littered across the house as people with masks flood in starting to clean them.

'Please let him know that I am honoured to serve him.' The man replies, the crow fixing its feathers on his shoulder.

'He asks for one more favour. He wants you to train the children of the victims to join the Demon Slayers Corps! The Corps has reduced greatly in number!' The crow shrieks, the man's dark green eyes filling with remorse as the crow flies away into the sky.

'I'm sorry this happened to you.' He says as he turns to me still staring at my family's bodies being carried away by the people with masks.

'What was that? The thing?' I ask, my throat feeling raspy and sore, the tears already dried out from the shock.

'It was a demon. I will explain everything once we are out of here. Again, I am very sorry for your loss.' He says, helping me up and starting to lead us away.

'Who are you?' I say, yanking my hand away as he starts walking, his sympathetic eyes only looking down at me.

'I apologise for the rudeness. I am L/n Daiki. I used to be a hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps, a group of people who fight those monsters. Now I work as a teacher to train new members of the Corps.'


The walk to the Spirit Estate, as the man explained is silent, the other girl and a boy who lost his family to the demon also quietly walking beside me. Looking up, I see the sun starting to peek from behind the mountains as if nothing has happened, the time running its course despite feeling like it has stopped the moment the demon stole the last of what was left from me.

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