Chapter 19

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Y/n's pov

You open your eyes as you hear the rooster's loud cry ringing in the garden, the morning still dark from the winter weather. Shifting onto your side, you submerge back into the warm blanket, your eyelids almost closing back except you remember that you fell asleep on the pavilion last night.

Or was it the sake fiddling with your memories?  You think to yourself, closing your eyes back ignoring the rooster on your roof.

You hide your face into the blanket as your sister knocks the door a few times before stepping into your room, her already fully dressed in trousers.

'Ohayo, Y/n-chan!' She says happily, taking off your blanket in one graceful movement as you bury your head back into the pillow.

'I'm glad that you woke up from the pavilion to come back inside, Y/n! I was going to check on you but I saw you asleep in your room.' She explains, and you squint your eyes at the "nonsense" she was talking about.

'Ehh? I don't remember waking up to walk back into my room.' You say, her letting out her usual soft laugh as she pats your head.

'Ara? Imoto-chan had a little too much to drink last night!' She says, pulling you up out of bed.

'Mmm' you say, standing up to find your clothes for the mountain.


Mount Nichiguro was one of the most beautiful mountains you had ever been to, its beauty only being more pronounced in the winter as despite the snow, its greens were never fading away. The trees stood tall and strong as it always did in all seasons, holding up the balance of the mountain. The air was clearer in Nichiguro Mountain for that reason, the green leaves providing pure oxygen through all four seasons.

'I didn't think we would be doing this when we're here to relax! It's even earlier than when Y/n-san did it with us!' Zenitsu complains as he flaps his arms around in exhaustion behind you.

'You're at the original house of Spirit breathers. What do you mean you didn't think you would be doing this?' You tell him, Zenitsu only making an exasperated sound before sprinting up the mountain.

Tanjiro's pov

'Sayuri-san... she looked so soft and delicate in her kimono! How come she's up there like that?' I look to Zenitsu running next to me, almost despairing as he watches Sayuri-san laughing as she sprints next to her father at the front.

'Try to find some... calmness, Zenitsu!' I tell him as he almost clings onto me with tears spilling out.

'Somebody saveee meee! I'm not ready for this! TANJIROOOO!'

'Yamero, Zenitsu!'

'Bahahahahahaha! You're weak! You underlings! Follow lord Inosuke!'

'Bahahahahahaha! You're weak! You underlings! Follow lord Inosuke!'

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'Ohayo gozaimasu, Y/n-sama. While we prepare for breakfast you may enjoy the Spirit onsen. It includes Spirit herbs and salt excellent for relaxation of the muscles and mind.' Aiko-san explains as you all walk back to the estate, Mitsuri next to you brightening at the word 'spirit onsen'.

'Arigato, Aiko-san.' You tell the lady before leading your friends over to the onsen.

'Spirit herbs?' Tanjiro asks you as he follows you, his eyes curious as he looks up at you.

'They're the herbs that only grow from the Nichiguro Mountain of the Spirit estate. They are effective for open wounds, muscle strength and its scent is beneficial to the mind's peace.' You tell him, Kyojuro looking down at Tanjiro pointing at his eye.

'They treated the remaining wound on my eye with the herb. It's almost healed perfectly!' He says, letting out a hearty laugh.

'That doesn't mean you should strain your eye, Rengoku-san! It could still pop out any time!' Shinobu says pleasantly, you only having a good look into his damaged eye before focusing back onto the path. The path towards the onsen at the far back of the estate was surrounded by the bamboo, the snow from the night before sitting on top of the still green shoots, still lush against the cold of the mid winter.

'I can already feel the freshness!' Mitsuri squeals walking by your side, her taking a deep breath of the cold air.

'The oxygen is indeed fresh from all the trees.' Your sister says, the crunchy sound of white pebbles and snow calm under your feet.

Giyu's pov

I stand in front of the huge steaming onsen, the stupid boar head boy jumping into the water, splattering it everywhere.

'Inosuke!' Tanjiro shouts as his face gets slapped with hot water, the boar only laughing loudly.

'Giyu, you should come in too. It's really nice inside.' Rengoku says as he strips out of his yukata stepping into the water.

'I don't normally like public onsen.' I say, turning my face away.

'It's not public onsen, Tomioka-san! It's owned by the Spirit estate.' Ichiro-san says, him already relaxing in the steaming water.

'And it's good for your health!' Rengoku says, leaning on the edge of the onsen, the rocks around the water piled with snow.

'Baka! You're too scared of my mask to dare to share the space! Become my underling number 4!' The boar head shouts again, him abruptly grabbing my arm and pulling me face first into the steaming onsen.

'Inosuke, yamero!' Tanjiro shouts again, dragging me back onto the surface by my wet yukata.

'Taaanjiiirooo? Can we go peek at the girls' onsennnn?' I look to the yellow boy talking nonsense as he latches onto Tanjiro, his face blushing so bad that I almost think it will burst.

'Zenitsu! That's very rude and perverted of you!' Tanjiro scolds him, pushing his face into the water.

'What is wrong with you all?' I tell the them, the boar only taking off his mask and throwing it aside as he cackles.

Author's pov: Do you think Giyu could find "peace" in the calm onsen containing *chaotic children*? His worst nightmare lol.

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