What happened to Y/n x Giyu after chapter 63

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Author's note: it was too long to write on full chapters on these so here it is - what happened between them getting together and the modern times of their descendants.

- after opening the Kimetsu Museum, you and Giyu were busy trying to collect the artwork and historical pieces of the demon slayers for every exhibition.

- when Tanjiro wasn't selling charcoal and when the other children were off from working in Mitsuri and Obanai's restaurant, they came to the museum to guide the visitors.

- many artists wanted their art to be put in the museum as it was clear that it would attract a lot of visitors, therefore being a chance for artists and authors to rise to fame once their work was showcased. Many came all the way from other towns to your family estate, frantically trying to show their work. Naturally, you and Giyu had to be very selective about which to include.

- Over a short period of time, the museum grew as more and more pieces were donated or sold, attracting many people to come and visit the museum.

- The government also finally became aware of the Demon Slayer Corps, some from the government visiting the museum and looking surprised at that demons and slayers existed. Some even went to the extreme side of calling everything fake and that everything did not happen at all, although the people in your town and the other slayers fought them off. Especially Sanemi and Obanai. Most were convinced by the end of their "lesson" and seeing someone as young as Muichiro having sacrificed his arm in fighting off the demons touched them greatly.

- As for more personal side, on the weekends where you left the museum to Aiko-san, visiting different places purely for enjoyment with Giyu. As the summertime was ending, you both tried to make the most of the season by going to the riversides, catching fish and looking at odd small creatures of the water. (once Giyu chased you with a cicada from a tree because he tried to show you its wings but you ended up running away from the loud bug). In autumn, you both visited forests almost every week to see the leaves changing colour, surprised at how fast the leaves were coloured. When winter finally came, it was often too cold to stay outside for too long that you just went around eating in different restaurants and visiting small bookstores to see the weirdest texts.

- when it came to the progress in your relationship, you both were usually too shy to do anything rash, normally ending in hugs and kisses. + your somewhat flawed habit of falling asleep quickly and anywhere whenever you felt tired meant Giyu had no choice to cuddle you and bring you inside. He never complained about it unless you caught a cold from sleeping on the roof with only stars above as your blanket.

- even when your interaction was not very different to when you were close friends apart from the added physical affection, spending time with each other became easier ranging from dusting the shelves in the museum together to occasionally cooking your late night food in the kitchen. (You usually got caught by Aiko-san who shouted at you that eating late is not good)

- Your sister and Ichiro-san had a twin, and you could not tell them apart until your sister made a name tag for each of them.

- Mitsuri and Obanai got married first out of all of you, and they had their son the year after. (you justified cooking late night food with Giyu by saying that you were also cooking for Mitsuri's weird food cravings. She asked for sakura mochi but with salmon inside)

- Their son had Obanai's heterochromatic eyes that Mitsuri missed badly, but he clearly had Mitsuri's blush.

- The others were going about their lives happily, some finding someone who they love. Shinobu got married to the nurse who worked in her hospital, Rengoku to the sweet potato seller (you all joked that given how often he goes to see her, you can't tell whether he goes there to buy sweet potatoes or just to go on a date), Sanemi to a girl who is just like him. They fight often, but when they are not, you thought they were very cute together. You always teased him how he said he would stay by himself forever living with Kotaro because he can't stand people, but he was stuck to his girlfriend all the time now.

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