Chapter 55

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Giyu's pov

I wished to go see the cherry blossoms with you this year. Solely for the reason of enjoying the spring sunshine under the flowers and watching the petals fall riding the wind. We never got to see cherry blossom as what it is, never having the peace to appreciate its beauty on its own from all our duties as pillars. Now that the demons are extinct, at least the evil ones, I wanted to sit under the cherry blossom tree with you as we focus on our inner peace.

The flowers are falling now, Y/n. Not many petals are left on the branches as summer is approaching, so my wish of seeing the sakura tree with you this year seems thin. But I want to believe that you will be here next year, when the cold winter passes once more and the spring returns.

In dawn as I sprint up the mountain, I even see the empty coats of the cicada on the trees, the fresh dew falling onto it with summer approaching. I admit that these look a little odd, the life forming in front of my eyes - if you saw them on the branches, I can imagine you screaming at it until I picked it away from you. It makes me smile, with every corner I turn I can almost hear your voice and see you next to me, but in reality, you are still on the other side.


Earlier today I saw your mother turn to a dark corner of the house to wipe her tears. I wanted to say something but I didn't as I knew for your family, no words could bring comfort. Others also seem to notice that but doesn't say anything because everyone is not sure what to say. Instead, they focus on helping the still injured both physically and mentally to overcome their damages. 

Tanjiro says not to worry too much. Apparently Nezuko slept for a whole two years before she finally woke up, and he says you might do the same. Even if he tries to make my mind rest, I can tell that he is starting to get worried too. Even when everyone says you will come back, we all know that this is different than Nezuko sleeping to save her energy. It is a trial for all of us in which we may never be able to undo its damage.

But that doesn't mean we don't believe you.

I still believe you will keep your promise to stay alive.

The final battle hasn't ended.

It won't end until you win and come back to us.

At least for me.

Y/n's pov

'There! The wisteria trees!' Yui yells as you walk up the mountain for the place of the Final Selection, your palms pooling with sweat as you remember whats to come.

'Come on!' Sakura says as she turns to face you, pulling your arm forward up the stone stairs surrounded by the bright purple wisteria flowers.

'Haru! We have to stay together, remember?' Yui shouts again at Haru sprinting past you all up the stairs, him only motioning for you to hurry up as he reaches the top.

'There must be a lot of children this year.' Sakura says as you enter the circular area surrounded by the wisteria trees, the other children scattered around the place waiting for the start of the selection.

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