Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four.

Crazy werewolves and human sacrifices


Grace jammed the last emitter they had into the ground of the woods.

"Does that mean we can go home now?" Jacob asked after she was done. "We've done our part, which means we get to go."

Grace laughed. She was used to Jacob's lousy behavior. "What's wrong with you?"

"Everything is wrong with me." Jacob sighed. "It's been a long day and night, and all I want to do is go home."

"Yes, it's been a long day." Grace did get thrown into a glass table, and it wasn't how she wanted to start her day. She always didn't leave the apartment until Sirena was fine and not feeling guilty. "It will be over soon."

"Fingers crossed."

The twins made it to the school in time to see Boyd and Derek's sister Cora disappear over the school instead of going inside the school like everyone wanted.

"The red doors, someone has to get them opened," Chris told the two vampires and the three werewolves.

"Someone has to drive them inside," Scott said.

"I'll go."

"No. I'm faster." Issac said before he ran off.

"Actually, we are faster," Jacob stated, pointing between himself and Grace.

"Look, I'll go after Issac," Grace said to Jacob. "While you stay behind and help them."

"I don't like that plan, Grace."

"I don't care." She patted Jacob on the shoulder before she went after the wolves. She got there when Cora and Boyd ran inside the school, and she rushed over to the doors and slammed them closed. Looking up, she saw Allisa standing on top of one of the buses with her bow.

Isaac had finally turned up. He glanced at Grace and then up to where Allison was. It would take time for him to get used to seeing Allison and Grace together.

Allison smiled at Grace before disappearing back to where Sirena and Lydia were waiting for her.

"What was she doing here?" Isaac asked Grace when Allison was gone.

"Looks like she was helping." Grace thought Allison would rather stay inside with Sirenna. "If she didn't show up, Cora and Boyd wouldn't be locked inside the school."


Jacob had helped Derek and Scott get Cora and Boyd down to the boiler room. He slammed and locked the boiler room doors and rested his back against the door. He was happy the night was almost over. "Well, it looks like your plan worked." He said to Scott and moved over to the other side.

Derek nodded; he was glad the plan worked as well. He noticed Scott move closer to the doors pressing his ear to it. "What are you hearing?"

"Heartbeats," Scott answered.

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