Chapter Fithteen

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↳ The twins go to school. 


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Early in the morning, the twins were woken up by Sirena nearly blowing up their apartment as one her spells ended up going wrong.

Grace was the first one out of bed and rushing to her friend's aid. Jacob, on the other hand, was unhappy about being woken up with hardly getting any sleep the night before. Sirena was the one that had to deal with the vampire's bad side as she was the one that woke him up.

Sirena looked up from cleaning up her mess, she was about to apologize only for Grace to dismiss it. she wasn't bothered about being woken up or how the apartment was now a mess. she was more interested in making sure her friend was alright.

"What happened?" Grace looked over her friend making sure she wasn't hurt. She ignored the table in front of her.

"I did a spell wrong and it backfired on me." Sirena yawed, she was tired and that was her fault for staying up for more than twenty-four hours.

"If you got some sleep -" of course Jacob was the one to point that out. "then you wouldn't have nearly killed us all by blowing us up." He went over to the coffee machine and was happy to see a full pot of coffee at least she did something right.

"I've got no idea what you are complaining about you can't be killed." Sirena snatched Jacob mug and took a drink. She was thankful that he didn't ruin his coffee by putting blood in it. Well, she did stop him before he had a chance to.

"Just because we can't die doesn't mean it doesn't hurt." Grace passed him another cup of coffee before he went off at his friend for steal his first one. "And I'm pretty sure getting blown to piece will hurt like hell."

"What spell were you working?" Grace asked before a fight broke out between her brother and her friend.

Grace and Jacob had to leave for school soon and for the first time ever Jacob wasn't complaining. He agreed to go to school because he wanted to protect Stiles even though he wouldn't admit it out loud.

Grace was happy that her twin wasn't being an asshole towards Siles anymore. He was now treating his doppelganger like he was a part of their family. If only she can get him to stop treating Allison like she was a threat then that would be lovely.

The only reason Jacob wasn't all that nice to the Argent girl is because of what he had learned about her family (it's wasn't her fault what her family did but Jacob didn't care.) It might have something to do with Allison being a hunter that Jacob was treating her like she was the enemy.

Jacob hates hunters a lot more than he hates werewolves.

Grace was going to work harder on getting her brother to be nice to Allison because wherever he liked it not Allison was a part of their lives now and she wasn't going anywhere.

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