Chapter Nineteen

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↳ Sleepless Night For Allison.

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Allison lay wide awake, staring up at the light cream ceiling. She has been up for a few hours doing nothing but staring at the stupid ceiling, lost in her own crazy thoughts. For some reason, she just couldn't get back to sleep though it might have something to do with her staying in some else's apartment with people she hardly knew.

She was starting to regret ever agreeing to Grace's offer to stay the night.

Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to sneak out of the apartment, hoping nobody caught her leaving. After all, she did live in the same building, a couple of floors up from the twins' apartment. But then again she would feel like she was doing the walk of shame... She would even feel like she was betraying Grace somehow when all the vampire wanted was for the two of them to be friends, and her leaving without so much as a goodbye wouldn't be a good way to start a friendship.

Also, if she did leave to go home, then she'll have to deal with her father. To him, she was spending the night over at Lydia's house, and he would think something has happened if she came home, and she didn't want her father to worry about anything. So it looks like she is going to be spending the night staring up at the ceiling unless she finds something to do to pass the time, and hopefully, none of the twins would mind her wandering around their apartment.

Glancing at the alarm clock beside her seeing it's only half four in the morning. She tossed the covers to the side and climbed out the bed. She hissed a little when her bare feet hit the cold floor. Why the twins couldn't get carpets in their apartment, she'll never know.

She paused at the door with her hand on the door handle, and she was debating with herself to open the door and leave the room. She didn't want to run into anyone, especially not Jacob, since he's the one person in the apartment who hated her. Then again, by the looks of things, he didn't like anyone other than Grace and sometimes Sirena.

Allison shouldn't be using Jacob as an excuse to not leave the room since she shouldn't be scared of him. She shouldn't be afraid of anyone anymore. She's a badass woman who could take care of herself.

So without thinking about it any longer, she yanked open the door and stepped out of the room. She came to a sudden stop when she saw the person she didn't want to run into right now. It looks like luck wasn't on her side.

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