Snow Day: Part 2

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Aria's POV:

Mikey & April sled down the hill as they toss snowballs in each other's direction. Mikey's sled takes an accidental detour up one of the playground's slides, and he goes flying into the air. Meanwhile, Leo grabs a handful of snowballs and tosses them at Donnie & Mayhem, resulting in the two falling to the ground. Then, one of Leo's snowballs hits April in the face, but she smiles with a thumbs up to signify that she's ok when Mayhem tosses a snowball at Leo in retort.

Afterward, Raph sneaks around with two armfuls of snowballs, but Donnie bursts out of the snowman he was hiding in and bombards Raph with snowballs as Raph falls to the ground.

Raph: "Time out! Time out! Time out!"

Me: "Deal! Who's ready for a hot cocoa break?"

Turtles & April: "Me!"

A few minutes later, we're all huddled together in a circle, minus Mikey, drinking mugs of hot cocoa.

Raph: "You got me good back there, Donnie, but the game ain't over yet."

Donnie: "Yes, but when it is my team's flag will grace our statue and wave like my queen to her subjects."

Then, Mikey finally comes crashing down from the sky with a smile.

Mikey: "Snow day hooray, baby!"

Leo: "Dude, that was incredible? What's his hang time, ref?"

Me: "39.76 seconds. Since 76 is higher than 75, we'll round it up to 40 seconds."

Donnie: "I love it when you talk mathematics, my Aphrodite. Segue, sweet sledding, Angelo. And may I say, this cocoa is exquisite! Do I detect a slosh of maple malt syrup?"

Mikey: "If you paid attention to 'Jupiter Jim Sails the Seven Galaxies' you would know what the secret ingredient is."

April: "Um, you and Leo always interrupt the movie by fighting over who gets to wear the Jupiter Jim costume."

Raph: "Whoa! You've never seen the end? That's why you and Donnie don't get why 'Seven Galaxies' is so much better than the movie you like."

Leo: "Preach!"

Mikey: "I hear that!"

Raph: "Trust me. Our flag totally deserves to be up there."

Raph tries to place his flag on top of the snowman sneakily, but Mayhem teleports to Raph, scratches up his face, and teleports them away from the snowman.

Donnie: "Oh, that is fun for me."

Raph: "Break's over! Game on!"

And just like that, the game resumes as everyone starts flinging snowballs at one another while I stand aside to enjoy the rest of my hot cocoa. Suddenly, a loud, rumbling growl echoes throughout the park.

Leo: "Did anyone hear, like, a really sick bird or something?"

Then, a giant polar bear mutant leaps to stand before the six of us.

Ghostbear: "Peekaboo, losers!"

Turtles & I: "Ghostbear?!"

Raph: "Love the new look! Hey, can I get a quick selfie?"

Donnie: "Oh, every time with this guy!"

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