Breaking Purple: Part 2/Air Turtle: Part 1

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Aria's POV:

Shelldon's racing for the Purple Dragons in tonight's drone race, so it's up to Donnie to talk him out of it. I'm standing in the audience of the drone race while Donnie uses a cardboard box and propellers to disguise himself as one of the drones. I can hear everything Donnie and Shelldon are saying through the earpieces Donnie & I each have in our ears.

Announcer: "Last minute entry! Introducing Drone-atello!"

Shelldon: "Drone-atello? Donnie! What are you doing here?"

Donnie: "I know you're mad at me, but don't do this. It's too dangerous."

Shelldon: "Well, my friends don't think so. They think I can win."

Announcer: "Racers, start your rotors!"

Me: *via comm link* "Shelldon, listen to Donnie! The Purple Dragons aren't your friends! They're only in it for the Shadow Transmitter! Please, let's talk this out and-"

Shelldon: "You're wrong. They don't have any rules and they let me do whatever I want! Dragons to the end!"

The alarm goes off as Shelldon, Donnie, and the other drones zoom across the starting line.

Me: *via comm link* "Be careful, Donnie."

Donnie: "I will. Shelldon!"

The boys zoom past an obstacle course of taxis that crash into one another in an attempt to destroy the drones, both of them coming out unscathed.

Donnie: "Shelldon, Shelldon, I'm sorry! Please, come home."

Shelldon: "Home is where your family is and I'm a Purple Dragon now."

Donnie: "They're not your family, Aria & I are! If you lose this race, they're gonna kick you to the curb!"

Shelldon: "You're just saying that to get me to do what you want."

Donnie: "Look out! saw, saw!"

Donnie shoves Shelldon out of the way as they head towards a row of mechanical saws, causing him to get sliced as he crashes to the ground.

Me: *via comm link* "Donnie! You ok?"

Donnie: *groans* "Not really. But there's only one way to make Shelldon understand what the Dragons are really like. I have to win this race."

Donnie presses the screen of his armband, and his rocket boosters send him flying forwards through each obstacle.

Announcer: "Ho, ho, ho! In an unprecedented move, Drone-atello is crashing straight through the obstacle course! It's a good thing drones can't feel pain. But is it enough to win the race?"

Me: *mutters* "Come on, von Ryan, come on."

Finally, Donnie crashes into another drone before landing as he crosses the finish line.

Announcer: "Holy smokes! Drone-atello wins!"

I approach Donnie as Shelldon does so for the Purple Dragons. Donnie groans as he leans against my shoulder for support, and I kiss his cheek.

Me: "You did good, D."

Donnie: "Thanks."

I catch the Shadow Transmitter with my free hand when the Dragons' drone approaches us but crashes to the ground soon after.

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