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i have been flying for about 4 days since that night in the woods. i can't believe she really loves him. how could the one made only for me be made for someone else too. "i love you to mitch" just kept going through my head over and over again. looking down through the clouds i see a tall sky scraper that i can land on so that i can change back. it would be away from human eyes. i soared to the very top of the buliding. as soon and i landed i changed back to my human form. still in the same pjs i had on the night i flew away. sitting down i let my legs dangle off the edge.

" why is this happening to me" i asked myself out loud. this is all my father's fault. if he would have been a real man he would have confessed to his cheating ways, he didn't have to kill her to hide that he was unfaithful. did i ever really know my father? the more things that i learn about his past, the more i feel like he was a stranger. all i know is i can't go back to milestone knowing that the mother of my child has let my brother mark her. well i didn't actually see that happening but it was close. i should have stayed, i just couldn't bare to see that happen.

i know i have to go back one day, because i have to be there for my child. i can be a father to my child with out having to deal with snow and my brother being in love. some brother mitch is. i felt a presents behind me. i turned around and was staring at a pair of violet eyes. they belonged to a beautiful girl. she had long curly hair that was so black it was tinted blue. her hair fell just above her waist, her skin was the color of coffee with a lot of creamer. she was average height, nice toned body, round hips. she was beautiful. she kind of resembled snow in away.

i wish she would go away i don't want to talk to anyone right now. " i don't want to be rude, but i would like to be alone." i said annoyed. she walked over and sat next me like i just didn't say i wanted to be alone. women. " do you want to talk about what the problem is" she asked sincerly

what part of alone doesn't this girl understand? i thought to myself " well i am going through something too, so how about i talk and you listen" she said looking at me. i didn't reply so she just went on

" first of all my name is lulu, my mother just passed away. now i have to go live in this other place i have never heard of, i really don't want to leave chicago. i love it here, but i have no choice there is no one else here for me. i just turned 18 like 3 months ago." she said quickly. i have never heard some one talk so fast in my life. when she said chicago i couldn't help but think of snow.

" im ian, i have just found out the love of my life has feelings for my brother, um let me see, oh yeah she is pregnant. and i am sorry you just lost you mother. i lost my father and mother a few months back." i said calmly. it is something about her that makes me want to tell her everything. i sniffed the air. her scent was human mixed with something else.

" wow what are you going to do about it" she asked seriously. " i don't know, i didn't actually let her explain" i said in a low voice. lulu looked at me like she could see through me. " your an idiot, you should have let her explain instead of running off like some little girl, you have no idea what is going on. you only went off of what you saw, you were not listening to everything. i can tell you just heard one thing an took off" lulu said in a pissed voice.

" believe me i saw and heard enough to crush me, you don't know anything about me" i yelled in her face. i knew my eyes turned to fire when she leaned away from me. blink my eyes rapidly i was trying to calm down. " fire phoenix" she breathed out in a scared voice. how could she know about that unless...." how do you know what i am" i asked really to throw her off the building if she said something i didn't like. i am a king now i have to protect my people, letting a human find out could be risky.

lulu stood up , moving from the ledge i walked towards her. i moved so quick she didn't know i had my hand around her neck until she couldn't breath. my hand started to heat up around her neck, not enough to burn her but as a warning. she was struggling for breath. her eyes started to glow violet and her wings came out. she was gone from my hands i turned around she was standing behind me.

" your an angel" i said lulu didn't say anything she nodded her head. her eyes still blazing violet, wings still out. they were white with black and violet on them. " what kind are you" i asked. " i can see in to peoples past, i also have the gift of combat. i have never lost a fight ever" she said in an arrogant voice. " well im not going to battle with a harmless girl" i said walking away from her.

as i was walking away i saw her hand shoot out and violet light came out of it. i reacted just in time steping out of the way at the last minute. " oh did i forget to mention, i can kill you with out touching you." she sneered at me. " what the hell was that for lulu" i screamed at her. " for trying to kill me you asshole, then calling me a harmless girl" she said pissed off. walking towards her with my hands up i stood in front of her. the glowing from her eyes went away. " im sorry i misjudged you lulu, i was just upset. you remind me so much of her." i said sadly. " i have to go, good luck on your new place where ever that might be." i said walking away.

" ian wait" lulu said rushing over to me. i stopped " don't you want to know what really happened" lulu asked. did i want to know? what if she chose him, could i deal with that? what the hell i mind as well " show me" i said in a labored voice. " i can only show you so much though okay" she said.

i nodded my head. lulu took my hands in hers, they started to warm up. then there was something like a movie showing in front of me i was seeing everything like i was there. i was so in the moment i didn't realize lulu had let my hands go. warmth washed over me. i turned to tell lulu thank you but she was gone.

the last thing i saw was mitch's uncle saying that it was all a spell. thats all i needed to hear. i have to go back right now. snow could be in danger. " FUCK" i screamed out loud. i should have never left. lulu was right i am an idiot. i have make sure my family is okay, i will never leave them again.

turning in to my fire phoenix i flew into the air. going at a speed i didn't know i had. using our mind link i contacted snow." babe i don't know if you can hear me, but i love you and im on my way home" i said. i hope she hears me.

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