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When my aunt athena left me in my room to go take a nap, i decided to change my clothes and go for a walk. they have a very nice forest in the back of these houses. as i was putting on my short light jean vest on i looked around. gosh my cousin snow must really like pink and black. i laughed to my self while putting on my light blue jean vans. i was on my way down the stairs when i ran into my uncle donis.

" going some where" he asked me. " yeah i was just going to go for a walk, if that cool' i said with a smile.

" lulu, your 18 you don't have to say were your going or when your coming back. im pretty sure you can handle yourself. am i right." she smiled as he passed me to go up the stairs.

wow my uncle is cool. i thought to myself happily. i skipped out the door going straight into the woods. i had been walking for awhile just looking at how green the grass was. the flower were so beautiful. i had never seen anything like it before. i sat down on the ground surrounded by beautiful red and white roses when a wolf stood infront of me.

great just my luck i come to a new place and get mauled to death by a wolf. the wolf didn't look mean so i stayed still. it was coming closer and closer to me. i was not afraid because i could kill it in a split second if i wanted to. it was just something about this wolf that intrigued me. " wolf don't you dare try to bite me" i said to the wolf not takin my eyes off of it. the wolf was so close his nose was touching mine. it moved it's nose in my hair inhaling my scent. then the strangest thing happened. the wolf flopped down in front of me rolling on it's back. it's tongue was hanging from the side of it's mouth.

so i did what any crazy person would do, i rubbed the wolf's belly. as soon as my hand touched the wolf i felt love, safe, and i felt at home. my heart was beating so fast i thought it would burst from my chest. what is this? why would i feel like this for a wolf? unless this is no ordinary wolf, he must be a shifter. as soon as i realized this, the wolf ran behind a tree and in its place was a guy that resembled ian a whole lot.

he was so damn sexy with his chocolate brown hair that reached to the slope in his neck just barely touching his shoulders , light stubble on his face, sexy sun kissed skin and a very sexy but not to muscular body. his best feauture yet was his intriging eyes you could get lost in. they were olive green. i had never seen anyone with his eyes. i couldn't turn away from him even if i wanted to.

my mouth was so dry i couldn't even swallow spit. i was in a daze as i looked at his past. he had a hard life. what his uncle did to him and snow was horrible, i see why ian left but he still should have stayed.

this beautiful stranger walked over to me and took my hand in to his. he bent down to kiss my hand. he is also a gentelman. i think im in love. " my name is mitch. and you are" he asked in an amused voice. i couldn't speak, i couldn't move. i just felt those sparks all through my body. i wanted him to take me right now, right here in these woods. " i i im lulu" i stuttered

mitch and i sat on the ground staring at each other. he put his strong arms around my waist pulling me between his legs my back resting on his toned chest. " do you feel the mating sparks" he asked me lovingly. and boy did i feel them. i can't believe i have found my mate after only being here one day. i could die a happy women. " yes i can feel that you are my mate" i said turning around to face him. " don't ever let me go mitch" i said as i pulled his lips to mine kissing him with all the love i felt for him. mitch pulled away from the kiss" i will never let you go lulu. you are my life now" he said stroking my cheek.

mitch and i lay on the forest floor just talking and laughing for hours. we must have lost track of time because it was now dark. i was laying on mitch's chest when a thought popped into my head. " when are you going to mark me" i asked wanting him to sink his teeth in my neck.

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