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ian jump up and put his clothes on with the speed of light. i ran to my closet and snatched a tank and some skinny jean. how long i asked ian he said they would pull up in about 5 mins. i ran back to my bed and was trying to make it. ian came over to help he we got it done in seconds. we both ran down the stairs and jumped on the couch. i turn on the tv went to the dvr and pressed play on hart of dixie. right after we got settled my parents walked in.

snow: hey mom hey dad, how was dinner? i asked

mom: it was lovely your father is such a charmer. how did it go at the beach?

snow: we had a great time.

i smiled at ian. if they only new how good of a time i would be in big trouble. my dad came and sat in the lazy boy. just staring the both of us. oh no i thought maybe he does know. did my mind block work. i hope it did because i really can't tell. he has on his poker face. i was getting nervous. ian slipped his hand into mine and i relaxed. he turned to me

ian: well i guess i will head on home now. goodnight everyone. and snow call me k

he leaned over and kissed my cheek he let his lips linger there. then he stood and walked to the door. after ian was gone i let out a breath i realized i'd been holding in. i can't believe i almost lost my v card. that was close. then my dad came to sit by me. i got up and acted like i was reaching for the remote. i didn't want him to close i didn't know for sure if he could smell my arousal from earlier. that would suck. i went to sit back down. my dad stopped me from turning around my back was to him

dad: snow let me see your back.

i turned so he could look at it.

dad: you mother has the same marks on her back

snow: what marks i have never had any marks on my back

dad: they are where her wings come out at my dad said

snow: so i will have wings

dad: yeah. but i wonder the color or the design i guess we will have to wait and see

because no wings are the same

snow: can the come out anytime it just happens sporadically

dad: they come out at will. after you change.

after he said that i yelled for mom to come in the living room. my dad was chuckling. he probley knew what i was going to do already. my mom came rushing into the living room.

mom: what is so important that you have to yell like that. mom asked

dad: calm down athena, she is just excited because she is going to get wings when she changes.

mom: how do you know this donis mom asked

dad: she has the marks that you have on your back where your wings come out

mom came over to me and pulled down the back of may tank so she could see my back.

mom: she does have the marks.

my mom looked elated. then i turned to her

snow: mom can i see your wings please i begged

mom: this is not some show and tell snow.

my mom started but dad jumped in and wrapped his arms around her waist and nibbled her neck. he turned her around to face him.

dad: show her athena. let her see the beauty that her mother hold inside of her. aren't you glad we know something more now. my dad asked my mom said okay and she turned around and her eyes had a little glow and then they came out. i was in awe at how beautiful my mothers wings were. the moment i saw them i felt safe , warm and loved. they were just so beautiful. they were white with a glow that made them look like there was glitter all over them. she put them back and asked me what i felt when they were out. and i told her. she said that is the energy she was giving off to make me feel like that. wow i can't wait for mine. after we all talked for awhile i decided to go to bed but not before i called ian.

ian: hey babe whats up you miss me already

snow: why do you miss me i asked

ian: yeah i do actually. you want me to come over?

ian asked with hope in his voice

snow: i don't think so we almost got caught earlier. im not risking it tonight

ian sighed

ian: well we didn't get caught. we wont do anything lets just talk

snow: we can talk on the phone ian. do you think i don't know what your up to? if i come outside we wont even care if we get caught and you know it. look what happened today.

ian: all i have to say is you started it. just let me teleport to you and give you a goodnight kiss. ian begged

snow: no ian i just called to tell you goodnight. and that i .....

i pause was going to say love. maybe i shouldn't say that. but it feels like love. it hurts to even be away from him. do i love him. maybe he doesnt love me. we are soul mates but then again i m putting myself out there to hurt. the phone was silent and ian broke the silence

ian: you what snow. what were you going to say

ian was asking me in desperation, like he just had to know what i was going to say like he needed to hear it.

snow: nothing. i will talk to you tomorrow. goodnight ian

i was about to hang up when ian asked me out for tomorrow night i said yeah and good bye. i lay in my bed thinking about what ian has planned for us tomorrow i can't wait to see. then all of a sudden my gums started to hurt really bad. i got out of bed and went to a mirror. right before my eyes two of my teeth elongated. i had fangs! i started to panic. and i screamed for my dad. him and my mom rushed into my bathroom. i looked them and opened my mouth. mom gasped daddy just smiled and said it has begun a little bit early. i was freaking out. my dad asked if my throat felt parched and i told him no. he went on to tell me that maybe i will have some changes before my birthday i looked at him like really you don't say. he didn't laugh at my sarcastic remark. i asked him how to i make them a little shorter like his and he told me to rub my tounge across them. i did and they shortened. daddy and mom told me to get some rest and that everything is fine. so i went to bed with my new fangs in my mouth shit i thought. i will have to re learn to kiss ian this is bad timing for my fangs to come out. oh well .

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