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i was sitting on chava's lap listening to everyone talk, but i just couldn't pay attention. it was like this nagging feeling, kinda like something in this room is missing. i looked around and i didn't see snow. ian was talking animatedly with mitch. i stiffened when i felt something over my face like i was being drugged. chava wasn't paying attention to me at first until i gasped for breath.

"are you okay honey" he asked

"i feel like im suffocating" i answered in a breathless voice. then it just stopped.

something is wrong. i looked around again. i still didn't see snow. i ran over to the bathroom where she went, there was her scent mixed with someone elses. the scent was familar, but i just couldn't figure out where i know it from. i walked farther in the bathroom, checking all the stalls. snow was not there. i was about to walk out when something caught my eye.

it was snow's favorite bobby pin. i gasped. running back to where everyone was i yelled "SOME ONE TOOK SNOW" everyone turned to look at me. i only looked into my brothers eyes, they were liquid fire.

shit is about to go down.


i was sitting at the table chatting with my brother mitch when my sister yells " SOME ONE TOOK SNOW" when those words left her mouth everything stopped, my world stopped. i could feel the heat going through my body, so i knew what my eyes looked like. my sister was staring deep in to my liquid fire eyes with her teary ones. i couldn't move, talk, or breath at the moment. dria ran into me wrapping her arms around me.

"ian we have to find her, say something please" she cried in my chest

when she said that it was like a shock back to reality. the whole room was quiet waiting for me to say something. i saw mitch run to where the bathrooms were. he was back in a flash at my side.

"i smelled the scent it was a vampire but the trail left out the back door and disappeared, they must have gotten in to a car or something. he said in an angry voice.

i was still in shock, i heard everything everyone was saying. my baby is gone and I'm standing here doing nothing. i finally took a breath and got in to action, i have to get her back.

"lulu, is there anyway you could see what happened in that bathroom" i asked hopeful

"um yeah if the scent is strong enough i will be able to feel what happened and make a screen to show it i think, i will try" she said and we all followed her into the bathroom.

why would someone take her, she is my mate. i thought all of this shit was over but i guess not


i stood in the bathroom and closed my eyes i could feel my power all over my skin. i could see what happened in here because i am close with snow. i couldn't see the other person just a shadow. i projected the power out of me, when everyone gasped i knew they could see everything that i saw. opening my eyes as the scene ended, ian had a look of a dying man on his face. he looked around at all of us.

" help me find her, i can't live with out her please" he said as a tear escaped his eye.

"we will all help you ian, we will find her and kill who ever did this" mitch said hugging his brother.

i knew snow wasn't hurt because i would feel it, everyone would know if she was hurt because she is in all of our hearts."we are coming for you snow, don't give up" i said to myself.

then i heard something in my head that said " i won't give up, tell ian i love him and im fine"

what the hell is going on.

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