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As i opened my eyes, i was in a room i did not recall. it was very big. it had my favorite colors every where. it was beautiful. there was neon pink on the 3 walls and the one was black with neon pink graphics. i got up and went to a door and turned on the lights, my eye got so big looking at a walk in closet with a bunch of clothes that i like and all the shoes to match, this move might not be so bad after all. next i went to another door and there was a bathroom. awesome i shrieked to myself. i turned on the light and was once again big eyed. there was a glass shower big enough to hold five people, with five shower heads on each wall, a beautiful vanity mirror with a vintage looking chair. i was so amazed. then i went to a door in side the bathroom that had a big spa tub and toilet. i was in awe.

then i started thinking how the heck did my mom do what she did. we have to have a serious talk. so before trying to find my mom i had to try out that shower.

i went to the closet and picked out some dark blue skinny jeans and a cool ripped up white shirt and a pink tank with some pink a blue jean vans.

after i got out of the shower i felt good. that shower was something, it not only cleans but massages you as you get clean wow.

i got dressed and put my wet hair in a messy bun and went to find mom.

as i walked out of my room i was shock at how nice this place is, it was all hardwood floors with white area rugs and a beautiful cream color on the walls a kitchen that any cook would die for. i smiled as walked down the stairs, but where was my mother? so i called out "mooom". no answer, then i heard whispering from a room on the first floor. so went to the door and my mom was in what looks like a study. she was on the phone but quickly got off when she saw me. i wanted answers to what the heck is happening. mom just looked at me then she started

mom: that man you saw was your father

snow: i thought my father was dead.

mom: well he is sort of

snow: mom what do you mean i saw him with my own eyes, if that is my father he certainly is not dead, what is going on?

mom: he is not human snow, and i never wanted you to meet him and when i got word that he was near i tried to get away before he found us but he found us he has before when you were 2 years old

snow: why are you running from him, and why can't i know him, and why did your eyes glow like that?

my mother laughed. i didn't see what was so funny

mom: calm down snow one question at a time. to answer your first question, your father who's name is donis, is a very powerful man. and the reason i don't want you around him is because i didn't want you to grow up in this supernatural world, i wanted you to have a normal life but that will change when you turn 18. and the reason for my eyes is.....she paused im an angel.

snow: an angel? wow mom what does that make me and you never said what my father was.

mom: he is king of the vampires. every mythical creature you know of is real, werewolves, fairys, witches all are real.

this was a lot to take in. my mother is an angel my father is king of vampires, this cant be real but it is. what does all this mean

snow: so your saying i am a angel vampire hybrid?

mom: yes. but you will not get your powers until you 18th birthday

snow: what will they be?

mom: im not sure you are the first of your kind, there has never been such a hybrid

snow: what can you do besides what you did today?

mom: i can teleport, heal,and bring things that are close to dying back alive

snow: that is awesome mom! so can dad do?

mom: he has a lot of powers to much to name?

snow: how did you meet my father?

mom: he was the most beautiful man i had ever seen in my life, more beautiful than some angels. i was at some human beach with one of my human friends when i saw him. i didn't know what he was at the time. my friend thought he was hot. she couldn't keep her eyes off of him and neither could i. as i was staring at him i got lost in his ice blue eyes, a rare color. he smiled and i lost my breath, i thought it was love at first sight. he came over and we started talking and from then on we saw each other all the time. we dated for almost 5 years. he had the power to hide his energy so people wouldn't know what he was. then i got pregnate with you , i was so happy. when i told him he was so excited and asked me to marry him. i said yes because we had a love i had never known before. he was so filled with emotions that his guard dropped and his energy came through to me. i was scared it was like i didn't know this person in front of me. so i ran and never looked back

snow: wow. its it wrong for an angel to love a vampire?

mom: no, i was just scared of what you would become and the man i loved became a stranger.

snow: do you still love him?

mom: yes very much, i have never loved another as i love him

suddenly the wind started blowing really hard, and the rain fell fast. i started getting scared. then out of nowhere he appeared my mom's eyes started that glowing thing again, and she sighed

mom: donis

donis: athena

they were starring at each other like star crossed lovers reunited. oh boy here we go.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ this is my first sorry bare with me people

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