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i immediately started getting ready. i put on lululemon shorts and sports bra. i decided to just put on an oversized shirt on top since i'd probably end up taking it off anyways. i put my hair in two french braids. i didn't wear any makeup because i knew i would just sweat it off because of how hot it is today. hopefully, the rain would come sooner rather than later so that it would be cooler while we were playing.

while i was brushing my teeth, i heard a knock on my door. i grabbed my football bag and slid on my crocs.

"hey!" i said.

"hey, you ready?"

"yeah let's go."


we pulled into the stadium and we were the only ones there. he led me through the stadium, opening a few doors to get to the field. all the while, he had his hand gently placed on my lower back. his touch was so soft that you wouldn't be able to feel it if you weren't paying close enough attention.

when we finally reached the field, we sat on a bench off to the side while we put on our cleats. we began to warmup. we stretched and started doing some simple passing drills. it started to get hot, so i took off my shirt and left only my sports bra on.

"your touch is pretty good bea. but let's see how good it is in a game"

and with that, we started on 1v1s. i played the ball into him and defended first. he thought it would be easy but it was quite the opposite. i took the ball from him with ease. he tried to cut around me but i quickly turned that down.

"damn, girl."

next, it was my turn to be the attacker. i turned around him and shot the ball but it was a bit too wide. the ball slid in the outside of the goal, almost touching the post.

we kept switching turns of who got to defend and who got to attack.

"alright, last one then we'll take a break." joão said. i have to admit, i was getting pretty tired.

i was defending again so i passed him the ball. i made sure it was harder for him to get a touch on it so i had time to get in front of him. he touched right between my legs, megging me. i turned quickly and without thinking, i slid.

i ended up getting the ball from him but it ended up with him falling. on top of me.

i was laughing so hard when i felt him on top of me and he was laughing too. his hands were placed on either side of me, trapping me between his arms. i looked up, still giggling a bit, and he was already staring at me. i didn't have anywhere to go because he was preventing me from moving.

we stayed in this position for a while. he started to lean forward, there was no one here to stop it this time. this was exactly like what happened at ronaldo's but then we were interrupted.

our faces were so close, i could feel his hot breath on my face. but again, we were interrupted when it started to pour rain. curse this rain. i should have never wished for it to happen during training.

he jumped up so fast and picked me up. he carried me all the way to were we left our bags and we grabbed them. we took shelter inside the stadium and sat down against a wall, laughing. we changed back out of our cleats, and i put my shirt back on.

"i never expected you to be that good." he seemed shocked.

"what can i say, i guess i'm full of surprises." i teased.


we walked back to the car when the rain finally calmed down but i was shivering, so cold from the rain.

"are you cold?" he asked.

"a little bit, yeah."

he turned around in his seat and grabbed something out of the back seat. he handed me the black hoodie and i put it on. it was so comfy, snd it smelt like him... no way i'm ever taking this off, i thought. "thanks, this is much better."

"do you wanna stop and get some ice cream on the way home?"

"i could always go for ice cream." i know i was literally just shivering but who could ever turn down ice cream.

i got a plain vanilla ice cream in a cup with chocolate chips. joão got chocolate ice cream in a cone.

"on me this time." i said and i pulled out my wallet to pay.

"no. you'll never have to pay for anything around me." he said and grabbed my wallet from me, closing it and sliding it back into my pocket.

i got chills from him touching me. god help me.

we took our ice cream to the car and ate it on the way home.

"do you wanna hang at my house for a bit? our day doesn't have to be cut short." i really just wanted to spend more time with him. i'm really starting to like being around him more than being alone.

"sure. we can watch a movie." joão said.


when we got home, i changed into sweatpants and took off my wet clothes. i put back on his hoodie obviously. he had a change of clothes in his bag that he changed into.

we sat on the coach and he let me pick a movie. i ended up deciding on my favorite movie, 10 things i hate about you.

"have you ever seen it before?" i asked.

"no, is it good?"

"only the best movie ever."

we were sitting right next to each other, sharing a blanket. our legs were propped up onto the coffee table and our thighs were touching.

halfway through the movie, i layed my head on his shoulder, starting to feel a little tired. out of the corner of my eye, i saw my mom walk into the room. i turned my head carefully to the side, trying not to disturb joão. i looked at her and she was smiling and winked at me. i ignored her and turned back to the TV.

i stopped moving around and my breathing got heavier but i was still aware of what was going on around me. i think he thought i was asleep because i felt his arm wrap around me, pulling me in even closer. i smiled to myself and fell asleep in his arms.


im gonna try to update a chapter per day but no promises... schools been stressful lately 😬😬

him and i - joão felixWhere stories live. Discover now