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i woke up with a smile on my face. if you told me a year ago i would feel for somebody like this again, i wouldn't have believed you.

i woke up at 12pm to a text from joão from hours ago. i felt bad for not responding but i was sleeping.

good morning bea, i can't
wait to see you tonight

good morning, i cant
wait to see you too. what
should i wear?

i think you
will look amazing in
anything you wear.

aw. thank you.

anything you wanna say back?

um no.

i see.

chill, you know you look
good in anything you wear.

can it just be 8 already, i thought.


the time came around to get ready. he said we were going to a restaurant so i assumed i should dress nice. i curled my hair and did some makeup. i decided to wear a black mini dress. it was skin tight, but loose enough to not be slutty. i paired it with a white cardigan on top and black converse.

i grabbed a black handbag out of my closet and put some stuff i would use throughout the dinner inside. then, i grabbed an overnight bag and put a tshirt, some shorts, and some sweatpants in along with some of my toiletries that i would need. i purposely left out a hoodie so that if i got cold, he could just give me one.

i finished getting ready and getting my bags together. i walked into my mom's room and told her i wouldn't be home tonight.

the knock came at 7:30. i grabbed my bags and opened the door. he looked me up and down, taking in each curve of my body.

"wow." was all he said. then he took my overnight bag from my hands and carried it to the car, putting it in the trunk.

as he climed into the drivers seat, he spoke. "you look so good right now."

i turned my head away and blushed. "you look good too." he was wearing grey dress pants, a black, button up dress shirt. he did look really good.

he drove to the restaurant with his hand on my thigh the whole time. i felt more relaxed this time, his hand was almost comforting.

we drove for about 10 minutes until we pulled into the parking lot. we walked in and were sat in a booth seat.

"hey, i'll be your waitress for the night. my name is maria." she said, staring at joão, smiling. "can i get you started with any drinks or appetizers?"

"can i just get a water please?" joão said.

"of course!" and she started to turn to walk away.

"i'll get a water too please." i said.

"okay?" she said, giving me a dirty look. she walked away, looking back over her shoulder at him. what's her problem, i thought.

she came back with our waters and left to give us a minute to read over the menu. when she walked back, she again mostly looked at joão.

him and i - joão felixWhere stories live. Discover now