thirty seven

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i asked joão if i could go to his practice again today because i liked to watch him but i also liked hanging out with lina. she texted me last night asking if i was going and i told her i would.

joão, of course, told me i could come. he's sort of clingy in a way but it's a good thing because who wants a boyfriend that isn't obsessed with them.

my sleep was so good but all of a sudden, his alarm went off.

"ugh joão. why are your practices so early." i put a pillow over my head and he laughed.

the only thing i didn't like about his practices were how early they were. when i used to play football, i was always thankful that they were later in the day so that i didn't have to wake up.

i laid down for a bit before i got up to get ready. i didn't care that much so i just wore what i slept in. i washed my face and brushed my hair though so i would at least look alright.

"you know you don't have to come right?" he said.

"i know, but i want to. it beats staying here by myself. and i like watching you." i smiled.

he grabbed his bag and we walked outside. he opened my car door for my before throwing his bag in the trunk and getting in.

he insisted on walking with me to the stands again even though i knew where to go. lina, who was already sitting there, jumped up to hug me.

"bea! i'm so glad you came!" she squealed.

"so your here for lina then." joão teased.

"noooo..." i laughed.

he kissed me and walked away to go practice.

"oops. i didn't mean to rat you out like that." lina and i laughed as we sat down.

"GRIZI!" someone yelled from below a few minutes later.

we looked up to see joão running over and jumping on greizmann as they fell over laughing.

"glad to have you back grizi." some of the others said.

me and lina laughed at the sight of the boys falling and went back to talking.

"are you going to the game tomorrow? it's joão's first one back." i asked lina.

"yeah, are you?"

"obviously." i laughed. "we can sit together."

"yayyy." she sounded excited.

joão came up to us again during his break, sitting down right next to me. their practice was pretty light today since they have a game tomorrow so he wasn't too tired.

"grizi asked me to go get lunch with him after practice." he started. "i told him that you're with me so it would depend on if you wanted to come. do you?"

"yeah sure." i smiled.

"lina if you want to come too you can."

"no, it's okay. mateo and i have plans." she smiled. "thanks though."

he stayed until his break was almost over and he laid his head on my shoulder. we talked a bit but then he had to return to practice.


practice ended and joão and greizmann walked over to where lina and i sat.

him and i - joão felixWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu