thirty nine

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lina, mateo, and i waited outside of the locker room for joão. he was the first one out and when he walked, he limped. mateo went over to him, helping him walk back to the car. i grabbed his bag from him before me and lina walked behind them.

i climbed into the car and moved the seat up and forward so that i could drive comfortably.

"ugh, now i'm gonna have to move the seat back. do you really need to be that close to the wheel?" he laughed.

"yes, if you want to safely make it there." i smiled.

i haven't driven in a while since joão always drives me around so i made sure to drive carefully. we got there pretty quick, i helped him inside and into the waiting room where i checked him in then sat down next to him.

lina and mateo arrived a few minutes later. i told them that they didn't have to come but they wanted to. i was kind of glad though because that meant i wouldn't have to stay in the waiting room alone. they sat down with us right before joão's name got called.

the nurse took him back to one of the rooms and told us that she'd be back with any updates soon. i put the on hoodie i brought because it was a little cold and sank into my seat.

"i hope it's nothing bad." mateo said. "his career is everything to him."

"me too." i said.

we didn't really talk much after that. we sat on our phones most of the time, scrolling through social media and stuff. i almost fell asleep but then the nurse came back out.

"it doesn't look like there's any breaks," she started. "if anything just a sprain. we're gonna run a few more tests though just to make sure. we should be done soon." she smiled.

"thank you so much." i smiled. "that's a relief." i said when she walked away.

"thank god it's not anything too bad." mateo said.

a short while after, joão came back out. something had changed since the last time i'd seen him, he was on crutches. he flashed a small smile towards me, making his way over with the nurse.

"just a sprain." joão said.

"yep, just make sure you don't put too much pressure on it. you'll be out of your season for 2 weeks unfortunately."

"aw." i said. "that sucks, i'm sorry."

"it's alright, at least it's only two weeks." after he said that, he leaned in to whisper in my ear. "plus now i'll be able to see you more."

i smiled at him before the nurse spoke up again. "i know this is super unprofessional, but my daughter is a huge fan of yours. do you mind if i take a picture with you to send to her?"

"yeah of course." he said. i snapped the picture of them and handed her phone back to her.

"thank you so much." she smiled. "you're all free to go! remember, not too much pressure! ice also will help with the swelling."

she walked back to where she came from and we all walked outside. we said our goodbyes to lina and mateo before they walked off and to their cars. we walked to our own car and i helped joão get in, putting the crutches in the back seat.

"awww look at you, passenger princess." i teased, climbing into the car.

"shut up." he laughed.

"now if we go anywhere, you can enjoy the ride from the passenger seat." i said. he jokingly gave me a side eye before turning back away and going on his phone. "are you upset? that you're out for two weeks?"

"not really, two weeks is nothing. i'm just thankful that i'm not out for longer." he said.

the whole drive back, i could feel him staring at me. i guess this is what he feels when he's driving. i always thought he didn't know i was looking at him but now i know that i was completely wrong.

"can you stop staring. i know i'm cute but i need to drive." i joked.

"no, i won't stop. now you know how it feels when i'm the one driving." he continued to stare. "plus i do like this view, a lot." he put emphasis on the 'a lot'.

i blushed and took my eyes off the road to look at him. we locked eyes before he broke eye contact and shouted, "BEA! keep your eyes on the road! you almost just made us crash!"

"i told you to stop staring." i shrugged.

the rest of the drive home, he laid his head on my shoulder as i had many times before. i honestly didn't mind it but to be honest, i like being in the passenger seat while he drives more.


"shit." joão said, going inside the house.

"what?" i asked.

"how am i supposed to get up and down the stairs, literally to our room. i'm not supposed to put pressure on my ankle."

"i don't know, jump? crawl?"


i watched joão go over to the stairs and sit down on the third to last one. then, he turned his body so that he was on his knees and started crawling up the stairs.

i nearly fell over from laughing so hard. he looked so stupid doing that.

"stop laughing!" he exclaimed. "come here. grab the crutches and help me!"

i grabbed his crutches and walked slowly up the stairs behind him, still laughing the whole time. i'm sorry i just couldn't keep it in.

slowly but surely, he got to the top of the stairs. i handed him the crutches back as we went to our room.

"i'm gonna go shower before bed." he stated.

"how are you going to do that?"

"stand on one foot, duh."

i changed and climbed into bed, waiting for him to be done. he came out and got dressed then laid beside me.


"what?" i said in a sleepy voice.

"can you go get me water please." he begged.

"ugh. i hate that you're crippled." i laughed, getting up.

"trust me, i hate it more than you do. but i could get used to you getting me stuff." he joked.

i grabbed one of the pillows off the bed and threw it at him before going downstairs and getting him a glass of water.


hey guyss, i had school today which sucked so bad i wanted to go home all day. i have hella tests coming up too since first semester is ending and midterms are soon too. i want to die please send help 🙏🏼

also joão is forever my number one, but if he doesn't learn from his mistakes soon, we might have to take a break. i don't know how many more pictures of him and magui i can see. probably not many before i actually throw and break my phone. 😬😬

him and i - joão felixWhere stories live. Discover now