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joão was on his way to pick me up. he wanted me to wear his jersey again so i agreed. i tucked it into my sports bra so it would look cropped and i paired it with some jeans and white converse. i put my hair in two french braids and did my makeup as i normally would. he wanted me to spend the night again so i got my bag ready.

he knocked on the door and walked me to the car.

"you look great." he said, closing the car door behind him.

"so do you." i said.

"i know." he smiled.

he drove the whole way with his hand on my thigh and i placed my hand on top of his. when we arrived, he took me to my seat. it was the same one i was in last time.

"you're gonna do great." i said, smiling.

"thanks." he said, seeming a little nervous.

i closed the space between us, bringing my lips to his.

"what was that for?" he questioned.

"good luck." we smiled at each other. he kissed me one more time before turning away and going into the locker room.


people started filing into the stadium. i got a few weird looks from some girls walking past me. i wondered why but then i remembered the article that joão had sent me a week ago. they must've been jealous or something.

the teams were out on the field, warming up. joão was shooting the ball and he kept looking over at me and smiling. i waved at him and he waved back.

a little bit later, the game started. england had most of the possession and many shots on goal but diogo costa saved them all.

it wasn't really looking good for portugal until bernardo silva played a beautiful ball up the sideline to otávio. otávio got the ball and crossed it into the box.

ronaldo tried to jump and head the ball but he didn't make it. joão was standing at the backpost though, were he tapped the ball into the goal easily.

"GOOOOAAAAALLLLLLL JOÃO FELIX!" the announcer said, just like last time.

joão ran to the corner flag, where his whole team congratulated him. he pushed away from them though, and jumped over the barrier and came up to me.

"i think your kiss really was good luck." he smiled.

he brought his lips to mine quickly. within the next second, he was gone and back on the field. people around me gasped and i got some very dirty looks from the girls around me.


the second half was starting and portugal was winning 1-0. in the first five minutes, england got a goal making the score 1-1.

they stayed tied for the rest of the game until the last 5 minutes. the ball was on portugal's half but joão got it. he dribbled up the field with speed, no defender was stopping him. he cut into the middle and played the ball behind england's line of defenders where ronaldo ran onto it.

there weren't any defenders on him so all he had to do was beat the goalie. the goalie dived into his feet but ronaldo touched around him and tapped the ball in.

"GOOOAAAALLLL CRISTIANO RONALDO." the announcer spoke again.

the whole team ran to the corner flag once again, celebrating. i was happy for ronaldo since he just scored, but i was even happier for joão. he had a goal and an assist today. he played really well.

the game ended 2-1 and portugal had won. the teams filed out into their locker rooms while the stadium was cleared.


i waited outside of the locker room for what seemed like forever. they were in there for an entire half hour when the team finally started coming out.

joão was the first one out and he ran up to me, picking me up and kissing me, spinning me around.

"awwww." i heard from behind me.

joão pulled away to look at ronaldo. "shut up." he said, bringing his lips back to mine.


walking to the car, joão was holding my hand.

"you played amazing today. seriously, you did so good." i said.

"thank you. i did it for you." he smiled.

that comment made me blush and pull myself closer to him.

"want to know what i wanna do right now?" he said.


"swim." he smirked.

"i don't have my bathing suit." i said. "and where would we even go this late at night?"

"i have a pool in my backyard. and we can stop at your house on the way back." he responded.

he has a pool in his backyard? how many times have i been to his house and never knew. every time i was over we only ever really hung out in the living room, kitchen, or his room. it made me wonder what else he had that i didn't know about.

"okay." i agreed. "we can do that."


when we stopped at my house, joão stayed in the car while i went in to grab my swim suit. i picked out a light blue one, it showed just enough cleavage but would still keep me covered.

i carried it back out to the car and sat down. i would just change into it when we get there, i thought.

he us drove to his house holding my hand. whenever he's around me, he's never not touching me.

i changed in the bathroom while joão changed in his room and grabbed the towels.

i walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom where joão was waiting for me. when he saw me, he stared. his eyes roamed my body, looking me up and down, seeing each one of my curves.

"wow." he mumbled.

he was wearing plain black swim shorts. i can't lie and say he wasn't doing things to me because he was.

he finally stopped staring and led us to the backyard. he had a pool and a hot tub back there. i was so excited to get in both of them.




him and i - joão felixWhere stories live. Discover now