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i asked joão to take me home after his practice this morning. i didn't want to leave and he didn't want me to either but i had to go. i haven't been home in a few days, plus if i wanted to go to qatar, i would need to talk to my family sooner rather than later.

lately i've been at joão's house more than i've been at home. i haven't even seen my parents that often lately. my dad was at work when i got home and he wouldn't be home until around dinner time so i figured i would talk to them then.

in the mean time, my mom and i hung out. we sat on the couches in the living room, watching tv and talking about our lives. my life has been weird ever since i moved, i never expected to be with a football star.

my mom loved to pry information out of me. she kept asking about joão and wanted to know everything. i told her about our relationship and how it all started, the dinner he asked me out at, and his games. she listened and was super happy for me. i'm glad that my mother approved because if she didn't it would really hurt me.

and, she showed me a new website filled with pictures of me and joão. this time the heading said:


the article consisted of our kiss at the england game, along with pictures too. people love their drama i guess.

after a while, my mother excused herself to start on dinner and i went into my room. i left my phone in there the whole day so i could spend some time with my mom, distraction free. since i didn't have it on me, i didn't see the 3 missed calls i had from joão. i decided to send him a text to make sure that he's okay.

hey, i'm sorry i missed
your calls. i was hanging
out with my mom. are you
okay? 3 missed calls?

yeah, i'm alright.
i just miss you.

i laughed to myself reading that text.

joão, it's only been a
few hours.

are you trying to say
you don't miss me?


when can i see you again?

soon. i need to spend
time with my family.

okay. come spend the
night thursday, before
my game. you bring me
good luck.

i'll think about it.

i think you mean yes.

my mom walked into my room to let me know that my dad was home and that dinner was ready. i walked into the dining room and a wonderful aroma filled my nose. this food is going to be amazing, i thought.

"how was work?" my mom asked my father.

"good, the job is still new so i'm still adjusting. i like it so far though.

"i'm glad you like it." she smiled.

"so bea, how have you been?" my dad switched the subject to me.

"good, things are great. thanks for asking." we exchanged smiles. "i actually wanted to talk to you guys about something."

"what would that be?" my mother asked.

"okay, so as you know the world cup is coming up soon. joão wants me to go to qatar with him."

"well, i guess i don't see a problem with that. you are an adult after all. and i know pepe will take care of you while you are there." my dad said and my mother nodded her head in agreement. "but what about college? are you not going anymore?"

"i still want to finish college, but its already a bit late to start. i was thinking about taking this year off and finishing next year online." i said.

"if that is what you want, then we'll support you." my mom said taking my dads hand in hers.

"thank you guys, you mean the world to me." i smiled.

we finished our dinner and i helped my dad clean up the kitchen and we talked as we cleaned. he told me about work and i told him a little bit about joão. not as much as i told my mom of course, speaking to my dad about my boyfriend was a bit akward.

when we finished, i went to my room and went to bed.


thursday rolled around quickly. the last few days i spent with my mother and grandma at home during the day and my father at night.

i had to get ready and pack my bag for the night. probably a few nights, joão always managed to convince me to stay longer.

i packed his jersey for the game tomorrow and jean shorts. i also packed a few outfits for staying at his house, including a swimsuit. i showered and did my hair but i didn't put on any makeup. there wasn't any reason to since we would just be at his house.

while i was waiting for him to pick me up, i fell asleep. i woke up to him picking me and my bag up.

"bye, it was nice to see you again." he said to my mom.

"have fun." i could hear the smile on her face even though my eyes were still closed.

"joão?" i said as he carried me out the door, rubbing my eyes to adjust to the light. it wasn't too bright outside because the sun would be setting soon.

"hello beautiful." he smiled. "you fell asleep waiting for me."

"well i'm glad you're here." i pulled him down to kiss him.

we climbed into the car and i leaned my head on his shoulder, over the console. he wasn't taking the normal route to his house.

"where are we going?" i asked him.

"you'll see." he smiled.


him and i - joão felixWhere stories live. Discover now