forty nine

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"you ready to go?" i knocked on her door.

"yeah! one sec!" she shouted. her voice was shaky and i heard her sniffle so i opened up the door to see her crying.

"lina, what's wrong?"

"it's all so weird. i've lived with him for so long and now i'm going to find a place of my own. it just hurts."

"i know, i'm sorry. it's his loss, he's a dick."


"come on." i grabbed her hand, helping her off the bed.

"okay." she looked in the mirror, wiping her eyes carefully and cleaning up the slightly smeared mascara.

we walked down the stairs and i grabbed the car keys off of the counter. joão was already at practice so i'd see him when he gets home.

i got into the driver's seat while she got into the passenger seat then we went on our way.


i immediately knew that this was going to be a long day when we pulled into the parking lot of the first apartment we were looking at. we'd been to five of them already, and none of them were good enough. they were either too dirty, too small, or in bad neighborhoods. we hadn't seen any good ones yet and i started to lose hope that we would find one.

on our way to the sixth place, i decided that i needed to talk to her about the move now. i climbed into the driver's seat and put the directions into my phone.

"lina," i started driving the car.

"what's up?"

"i need to tell you something."

"what is it?"

"joão is transferring clubs." i got it out.

"yeah, i know. it's all over social media." she looked confused. "so?"

"we're moving. like completely out of spain."

"oh." she looked down at her hands. "where to?"

"probably london. but joão isn't 100% sure yet."

"london!? and you didn't think to tell me sooner?"

"i'm sorry, just everything happened so fast. i was planning on telling you but then mateo- and- yeah. i'm really sorry."

"it's just, if you move i have no more friends here." she said.

"what about your parents?"

"i thought i told you, they don't live around here and we don't talk. like at all."

"well, you could always move to london with us. just find an apartment there." i offered.

"maybe i will. i need a change of scenery."

"let's go home then?"

"yeah. there's no point to look at apartments anymore if i'm not going to live in them."

i turned the car around and we drove back to my house where joão was waiting for us.

"find anything good?" he asked when i walked into our room.

"not exactly." i smiled.

"what do you mean?"

"she's going to move to london with us and buy an apartment there. she doesn't have anyone else here."

"oh yay! you'll have a friend there!" he teased.

i grabbed a pillow and threw it at his head. before it hit him, he caught it and threw it back at me, causing it to hit me in the face. he let out a loud laugh. i went to lightly hit his arm but he grabbed my hand as well.

he pulled me over and onto his lap. my legs were on either side of him, straddling him.

"joão," i started. but he was quicker, pulling me into a kiss and shutting me up.

his hands latched onto my waist, rocking my hips back and forth while he kept his mouth on mine. i pulled away and looked at him.

"joão, not right now. lina's in the other room." i said.

"so? you'll just have to try to stay quiet this time." he kissed me again, moving his hands up and down, all over my body.

he parted my lips and slipped his tongue inside. i moaned softly into his mouth, feeling his smirk grow.

"hey guys," the door opened and lina walked in.

i pushed myself off of joão and sat next to him, putting a little bit of distance between us. lina turned her back immediately, covering her eyes.

"oh my god! i'm so sorry. i should've knocked. um," she turned around again and faced us, looking anywhere but at our faces. "i'll just- yeah. okay. have fun."

she practically sprinted out of the room, closing the door behind her. "i made lunch whenever you guys are done!" she shouted behind the closed door.

joão turned to me with a smile on his face, both of us fell back onto the bed laughing.

"i told you!" i laughed, putting my head on his chest.

"i didn't think she would barge in like that!" he ran his fingers through my hair.

we sat like that for a few minutes, until he broke the silence.

"i have news." he said. i sat up and gave him a questioning look, urging him to continue. "it's official, atletico madrid is loaning me to chelsea. we leave in a week."

"so soon?"


"well then, we better start packing soon." i smiled.

i got off the bed, standing up and looking down at joão. i grabbed his hands, pulling him up next to me.

"lets go eat." i laughed.

we walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. lina was sitting at the table and looked up to see us.

"i did not mean to interrupt anything." she smiled awkwardly. "i'm sorry."

"no big deal." joão responded from behind me, laughing again.

"good, i'm glad you aren't mad." let out a sigh of relief and laughed.


only two more chapters left!! i expect them to come out either today or tomorrow hopefully!

him and i - joão felixWhere stories live. Discover now