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he pulled out the ingredients we would need to bake a cake. well, technically we would be making two cakes since it was a competition. i knew i would win. when i lived in the US me and my friends used to bake cakes all the time.

i added and mixed my ingredients with little to no mess while joão made the biggest mess i had ever seen. his batter was clumpy and mine was smooth.

"that looks disgusting." i said.

"trust the process." he responded.

the process wasn't promising enough to trust though so i wasn't going to. we poured our caked into a pan and put them in the oven. while we waited, we made our frosting. thankfully, his didn't look as bad as his cake did.

when it was time, he took the cakes out of the oven and we decorated them with the frosting we just made and added some sprinkles.

it was time to taste test. i took a bite of mine and oh my god. it tasted so good.

"this is so good." joão said, taking a bite of his own.

"let me try." i took a bite. "ew. this tastes so gross. how do you mess up a cake this bad." i spit it out into the garbage.

"i know. i just wanted to see you try it." he laughed. "let me try yours."

"mine is actually so good." i said and he took a bite.

"mmmmm. this is amazing. where did you learn to bake like that." he made a noise, almost like a moan from how good it was.

"i'm just talented." i said.

before i knew it, he was smearing some of the cake that he made on my face.

"joão! what the hell! what was that for?" i exclaimed. "that's so disgusting."

he laughed as i picked up a huge chunk of the cake and shoved it into his face. he threw some more cake at me. i tried moved out of the way but some of it still hit me. i grabbed more and threw it at him.

"stop throwing the cake at me!" he laughed.

"you started this! say sorry and i'll stop!" i laughed.

"okay, okay! i'm sorry!" he exclaimed.


we cleaned up the mess in the kitchen, saving my cake and throwing his away. we headed to the bathroom to clean ourselves up.

"god, we're filthy." he said.

"tell me about it."

i washed the cake off of my face and picked pieces out of my hair. joão was struggling to get it off of him so i helped him. i grabbed a washcloth and wet it in the sink then started wiping it off. he picked some pieces out of his hair as i finished up.

we went back into his room to change into some cleaner clothes. he took off his shirt right in front of me, i couldn't help but stare.

"stop staring." he said. still shirtless, he walked over to me and kissed me.

it was obvious he was trying to tease me. i should tease him back, i thought. he walked back to the dresser to grab a clean hoodie. i took mine off too and walked up next to him, only in my bra.

"i need to borrow one." i smiled at him.

he looked up and down my body before grabbing my waist, pulling me too him.

"you have no idea what you're doing to me." he said and handed me a hoodie.

i turned away so he couldn't see me blushing and slid it on over my head. then, i sat on the bed waiting for him. i expected him to put something on, but he never did. he came and laid down next to me, still shirtless.

"you're not gonna put a top on?" i asked.

"no, it's a little hot in here." he said. "why, do you have a problem with it?" he smirked.

"no, just wondering." yes, i thought. he's making it impossible not to stare at him.

"sure. sure."

the rest of the night, we watched movies and i dozed off in his arms.


the next day when joão got back from practice he took me home. he didn't want me to leave but i hadn't been home in a while and my dad was coming home today. he'd been in the US for a while finishing up a few things so i hadn't seen him in a few weeks.

i got home and showered and laid in bed until my dad got back. i heard a car pull into the driveway so i got up and went into the living room.

"hey dad!" i said as he opened the front door, walking inside. i hugged him.

"hi bea!" he said.

"how was your trip?" i asked him.

"it was good but i'm glad to be back with my family. your uncle pepe is coming over for dinned tonight so don't make plans.

"okay." i went beck into my room.


dinner time rolled around and my mom made steak. my grandma didn't come out of her room to eat tonight so it was just me, my parents, and my uncle.

"so, bea. while i was in america, i stumbled across this website. it was a bunch of pictures of you and the guy that helped us move saying that you guys were dating. is that true?" he smiled.

my uncle pepe and my mom both started laughing because they already knew. "yes." i responded.

"i'm so happy for you!" he said, getting up to give me a hug.

"thanks dad." i blushed from embarrassment.


when dinner was over, i helped my uncle pepe clean up in the kitchen and he was talking about joão.

"at practice today, joão said you would be coming to the game tomorrow. he sounded really excited." he said, making me smile. "he really likes you bea, you've got a good one."

"i know i do."

after we cleaned the kitchen, i headed to bed, awaiting the morning so i could see my boyfriend play.


him and i - joão felixTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon