Chapter 4

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Choko's POV

Wow. This door is big. I have to look up to see the whole thing but that might be because of my height. Through the core's connection we were able to make it so Tsutako is in class 1B and me in class 1A. Although the demon probably won't take interest in the first year hero course it still gives us more variety to search.

 A "Hello" pulled me out of my thoughts. Turning around to see a girl with brown hair in a bob style. 

"Hello. Sorry I'm blocking the way. I'm Choko Tomioka." Bowing a bit while introducing myself.

"I'm Ochaco Uraraka and it's okay, let's go in." She replies then goes to open the door.

Walking into the classroom we are both greeted with a boy with messy green hair. 

"Hey I recognize that messed up hair falling boy! Hi, I'm Ochaco Ururaka" Uraraka started talking to him. 

"Oh you're the boy who was muttering." I said getting a closer look at him.

"Oh ya s-sorry. I'm Izuku Midoriya" His face is so red it's kinda cute.

"Haha it's okay I'm not mad. I'm Choko Tomioka." After introducing myself a voice came from the ground. 

"If you're here to make friends then you can pack your things and go home." The gruff voice said then stood up. Is he wearing a sleeping bag? 

"I'm Shota Aizawa your teacher. Put these on and go outside." He instructed us holding out gym uniforms. 

"Okay" I say, being the first one to grab my uniform and head towards the changing room. 

I feel eyes on me in the changing room. Not in a weird way but probably because of my scars. One is from the top of my nose to the bottom of my left ear. There is a bullet scar just above my right ankle. Last, Tsutako and I both have a large burn mark from the top of our shoulder blade to the bottom of our spine.

But I don't care because these scars are signs that I survived and killed the demon that gave them to me. Plus Tsutako said they look badass. Still they don't have to stare. 


"A quirk assessment test?!" The entire class cried unanimously.

Mr. Aizawa went on about how the world isn't fair and people dying isn't fair. At least he's being realistic to them. If they are going to become heroes then they're going to see blood. He's getting them ready for the hard path ahead. 

Looking around I do my usual scan of the area and spot the smallest strand of blond hair fall from the side of the building. A demon? No, I don't sense a demon close by. Could it be him?

"Tomioka" Mr. Aizawa called my name for the sprint. 

Walking up I get ready using concentration constant. 

"Ready on your marks 3..2..1 go." Taking off I run until I hear the robot say my time. 

"3.4 seconds." Still not faster than Tsutako but pretty good. 

Walking off Uraraka comes up to me "Wow you were super fast what's your quirk?" 

"Oh it's just a simple strength enhancement quirk." I lied. 

Both me and Tsutako are registered as having a strength enhancer to avoid suspicion of our strength. Concentration breathing is only known to members of the corpse and people who have a high position in the government.

The rest of the tests went well. Now we're up to the soft ball throw. 

"If Midoriya does not shape up he's the one going home." Iida commented. 

"Well ya he's a quirk less loser!" Some boy with spiky blond hair yells. 

"Quirk-less people aren't losers." I chime in maintaining my cheery voice.

Midoriya throws the ball not that far. He is then pulled into Mr. Aizawa weirdly strong scarf. Those eyes... Eraser-Head! I have seen him once or twice when he's on night patrol and I'm coming back from a mission. Though I never let him see me. 



A large gust of wind pushed some back.

"Anyway it looks like he does have a quirk." Having to yell over the wind over the wind for them to hear me.

Eventually the test was over but Midoriya did injure his finger while using his quirk. Drawing attention to myself is not my goal so I held back and got 5th place. Just as everyone is wrapping up I slip to the side of the building without anyone noticing. 

"Hello All Might" I say, popping up in front of him. 

"Gahh! Oh Ms Tomioka, what are you doing here? Wait does that mean-" 

"Sorry All Might but I'm afraid that's confidential." Cutting him off knowing what he was going to ask.

He looked like he was going to say something but someone was coming so I made my exit. Leaving a confused and concerned All might. 


"Tsutako, the lunch here is really good!" My eyes lit up at the sweet rice and chicken. 

"I guess. My food is better though." She huffed while still eating her food.

"Of course. Anyway we should start our investigation. I couldn't find any leads this morning."

 "Same, we won't get very far if we just search during our classes." 

"Ya lets go look around now!" 

"Can I finish my food first?" She grumbles.

"Nope. We can eat later. Let's go!" I cheer pulling Tsutako away from her food and into the halls. 

After searching all the floors we conclude the Demon isn't anywhere obvious. Now we are searching the roof. 

"There's only 8 minutes left for lunch and we haven't found anything!" Tsutako yells in frustration 

"Just breath Tsutako remember Master said this might be a long mission. Let's finish our lunch." Sitting down I grab out our lunches from my bag. 

Tsutako doesn't say anything but sits down and starts eating. When packing up I notice something small in the air. A bug?

"Tsuta-" 'swoosh' before I can finish calling her name she runs and catches the small thing with her chopsticks.

"Yes I see it. Come here." She waves me over. 

Coming over to her I inspect the thing trapped in her chopsticks. 

"Is that a bee?" I inquire. 

"It has the shape of one but it is bigger and its colors are different Black and Blue." 

"It's in the sun but maybe..." Letting my thoughts trail off I open my 'Cello case' and grab my katana out of it. 

"What are you doing?" Tsutako looks at me like I have three heads

"I'm going to see if it disintegrates like a demon so please let it go." Readying my katana. 

Tsutako hesitates but lets go. Before the thing has a chance to do anything it is sliced in two. As if in slow motion it falls to the ground and disintegrates. 

We have a lead. 


A/N: Hello, the next chapter might be up a little later because of the holidays. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please vote.

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