Chapter 39

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Tsutako's POV

Hours ago.

I can't hit any vulnerable spots, It could kill Choko's body!

I breathe heavily looking at all the cut-down trees around us and my sister's body in front of me. Not in the beginning but now it seems this demon has all of Choko's combat knowledge and abilities. I can't go for the kill and even if I could, in the end..I'm no match for her.

"Tsutako you and I are the same rank we just have different strengths. You are just as if not more able than I am." You were wrong Choko.

'Clang!' I try to hold my position but am thrown back.

I'm pale in envy and in comparison to you sister.

But it doesn't matter. Flipping in the air I land running behind it. "I'm going to save you!"

The demon in her body turns around laughing. "Nice sentiment but it's too late for her."

Dammit. Backugou and Tokoyami were taken so I sent the other to get them. Midoriya seemed very reluctant though.


"Mabye I should have let him stay." I dig my feet into the ground being pushed back.

Looking into Choko's now white eyes I see a flash of purple flicker. "Choko!" Is the poison working?!

I'm able to slide her sword off mine going to the left I try to chop her neck but have to do a flip back dodging its incoming swing. I wince feeling the blade skin the bottom of my arm.

Landing I look at the large blotch of ripped off skin. Shit.

Now back where we started I see her eyes flash purple yet again, the demon seemed to notice too widening Choko's eyes. "What the.."

Just as I was about to make my next attack, a purple warp gate opened underneath the demon pulling it in! What?! "Get back here!!"

With her body now gone and the warp hole closing without thinking I jumped in feet first.

But..I was rash and the next thing I felt was something being injected into my neck as I fell into unconsciousness.

Choko's POV




"-When will-"

"Just get up!"


What's going on?!

Looking down I find myself tied to a chair in what seems to look like an old bar.

My arms are bound to the armrest in some metal device, my legs are also bound together with the same contraption. Feels like titanium. My torso is tied with a strong metal wire to the chair, a tight piece of metal feels to be placed around my neck and it seems to be blocking me from doing concentration breathing.

My eyes widened seeing the people next to me. Tsutako, Backugou. They got taken to! Crap!

They're both already awake. Tsutako is injured! She has a good slash on the top of her head and dry blood on her face. At least it doesn't look fatal.

She's tied up similarly to me but Backugou is held to his chair by strong straps and has a large metal contraption binding his hands together and pulling them down. I couldn't do anything to protect them.

We all look at each other but don't talk or move.

I then notice something. I don't feel any pain. Nore my ear, arm, legs, or any tiredness from fighting. It's as if..they've completely healed. Like that person before the demon must have taken my body shameful.

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