Chapter 10

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Choko's POV

"Tomioka you're okay!" Running up to me, Uraraka gives me a big hug.

"Thanks but my ribs aren't completely healed yet." Wheezing out, Uraraka jumped back.


Iida walked up to me. "We're all glad you're okay Tomioka. We tried to visit you at the hospital but..


two days ago.

"Hi, we're here to see Choko Tomioka." Iida ran up startling lady at the counter.

"Umm sorry but visiting hours are over." She said slowly looking at all the kids behind her.

"Please we just need to know that she's okay!" Uraraka pleaded.

"We'll be in and out." Kirishima joined.

Everyone started begging except for Bakugou of course. The counter lady was getting overwhelmed. "I. umm..well."

"Quit your stumbling!" Bakugou snapped at her.

"Don't be rude Bakugou." Gasping Iida demanded he apologize.

"Oh shut it four eyes!"

"Everyone shut up!" Pausing everyone turned to where the voice was coming from.

Even though Midoriya was in a wheelchair he almost fell over from shock. "Tomioka you're standing!"

All the girls in class ran up and gave the person they thought was Choko a group hug. Jiro stayed aside not wanting to get too emotional.

"We were all so worried!" Mina cried out.

"I'm so glad your okay." Uraraka looked like she was about to cry.

Tsutako just stood there with a blank stare on her face while her sister's classmates smothered her. "Ya not Choko."

"Huh?!" All the girls backed up and got a good look at her.

Tsutako just points at her short hair. "You met me before Iida and one with bob cut"

"Oh, Tsutako, right? Tomioka's twin sister." Iida remembered.

"Ohhhh" everyone processed Iidas words.

"We can go in with a family member right? Let's go!" Just as Kamanari was about to pass her, Tsutako went on her tippy toes and pulled him back by the color of his shirt.

"Not so fast bolt. Choko needs to rest. So you all need to leave." Tsutako pointed to the exit.

"Bolt?" Kamanari muttered.



Choko's POV

And that's what happened."  When Iida was done almost everyone looked embarrassed.

"Oh sorry Tsutako might come off as harsh but she means well promise." Taking a seat everyone goes back to talking to each other.

Walking up to Uraraka's desk I swallow my pride. "Hey Uraraka, thanks for saving me. How can I repay you?"

Blushing Ururaka starts frantically waving her hands. "I-I'm just glad you're okay. You-you don't don't have to repay me!"

Disgracefully I was saved by a civilian. Demon slayers can't let civilians get hurt for them! Luckily I have a good paycheck. "Here, three hundred dollars, take it as my thanks."

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