Chapter 40

144 4 4

3rd POV




Choko opens her eyes alarmed but just as quickly closes them feeling water rush it. 'What's going on?!'

Her arms are held high in place by what feels to be wires with many needles piercing into her skin. As her legs are free she worriedly moves them around holding her breath. She was obviously in water and seemed to be in some long container. Annoyingly, she opened her eyes. It's glass but seems thick.

She closes them again. 'I couldn't take a breath, so I should only be able to hold my breath for about two more minutes. I need to get into a position to break it."

Not being able to use her breath for this Choko bit her lip. Pulling down her arms she felt the pain of the big long needles slowly coming out. With the final pull, she was free.

Not wasting any time Choko pushed her back to the wall, bending her legs in front of her, and took her only breath.


One kick. 'Crack.'

'Bang!' two

'crack' 'crack.'

She thrusted her legs forward one last time using all the energy she had left. 'Smash!'

The front of the capsule broke into pieces and shot all the water and Choko out. Lying back flat on the ground, Choko took a breath. "Ow"

She didn't move but she could feel more than a dozen tiny shards of glass in her back. Why didn't she get up before that happened? Her own question was answered just  a second later when she tried to get up. Her eyes widened. "Why can't I move?"

Just then a striking pain coursed through her entire body. "Gahhh!"

Then again. She bit her lip till it bleed but couldn't hold it. "Ahhhh!!'

This was a different pain Choko's never felt before even after all the injuries she'd ever gotten.


It felt like her insides were on fire.

Tears were pouring out of her eyes from the pain. Her vision started to go blurry.

"What the hell?!"

"How'd she get out?!"

"She-shes's still human."

The voices sounded distant but Choko knew they were close. The pain seemed to be subsiding but it was still there.

The two men looked down at the female not knowing what to do. This had never happened before.

The older man in his fifties knelt inspecting her before clicking his tongue, grabbing her by the hair, and dragging her out of the glass.

"What do we do sir?" Daguchi looked to Asai.

"Dunno." He shrugged. Dropping Choko in front of him he looked at her bloodied back full of shards of glass. "But look that blood.."

Daguchi joined. "It's purple? No Tyrian purple."

"What are you a fucking girl? it's just not normal red!"

"Sorry sir."

"Tch." Bending down he reached for Choko's arm but she suddenly moved, grabbing his hand and before he could even react pulled him closer and punched him straight in the gut, sending him into the wall.


"What the-"



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