Chapter 15

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Choko's POV

Weird Tsutako found an entire hive but we can't find any more of Hachi's demon bugs. We're currently looking around the cafeteria right now but there's none in sight. 

"Gah this is so frustrating!" Tsutako stops and shakes her hair in annoyance. 

They must be here. Maybe they're still in the vents but it would take too long for us to check every corner of the ventilation. But I think I know just the demon to help. Picking up my phone I dial his number. 'Ring ring rin-' 

"What do you want number 2?" An annoyed voice answers the phone. 

"And good afternoon to you too, Yushiro." 

Tsutako pauses what she was doing and glances at me. Yushiro, he's the only demon I'll ever trust. I look at him how Miss. Agatsuma once was, a demon who's never killed anyone. As long as that factor remains he has the corpse and myself's respect. 

He also refers to me as number 2 because he doesn't want to use me and Tsutako's first names and we both have the same surnames. 

He just groans. "It was a good afternoon till you called now, what do you want? I'm in the middle of painting Tamayo in the living room number 18." 

He's also in love with a demon who passed away some time ago. 

"Well we're in a bit of a pinch right now and your blood demon art would-"

Before I could finish my sentence Yushiro interrupted. "Ya I'll pass. You're somewhat capable, figure it out yourself." 

Not allowing him to hang up I speak up. "Oh you're too kind but unfortunately the task I need done is not exactly my area of expertise." 

"..What is it?" 

Yes! "Tsutako and I need to find these bugs that are part of a demon's blood art but they are probably in the vents and we need your blood demon art to find them." 

I look over at Tsutako giving her a thumbs up but she just pinches her nose. Hmm?

"Idiot! Jesse, I guess your sister really is the smart one!" Yushiro's yelling surprised me but before I could respond he started again. "My blood demon art doesn't work that way! I can't see through walls but can see things that the normal human can't!" 


 "I see, I'll let you go then." 

Just as I was about to end the call Yushiro spoke up. "I know a slayer who can help. I'll send him in." And with that he hung up. 

Putting my phone away I just turn to Tsutako. "You know you could have told me." 

"Well you already called him." She just puffs at a loose strand of hair 

"Oh don't act all innocent on me." 

"Fine you caught me." Turning around she sticks her tongue out at me. 

Tsutako claims to be mature but she can act like such a child. I giggle a bit recalling all the times when she would lecture me when we were kids about being 'childish.' 

She turns around and gives me a look. "What are you giggling about?" 

"Oh nothing. We should wait here for the slayer that Yushiro sent." Sitting down we both wait for the mysterious slayer to show up. 

Someone's coming. Both me and Tsutako look up expectantly but someone else rounds the corner. 

"Choko there you are. Iida, Deku and I were wondering where you were." Ochako walks towards us pulling up a seat. 

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