Chapter 35

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3rd POV

"Don't worry, Kei Sensei don't worry. The medicine th-the medicine shou-should be taking effect." A 13 year old Tsutako said quickly bandaging her injured teacher.


"Just wait a little longer!"


"It-it has to."

"Damn it Tsutako lissen to me!"

Stopping Tsutako looks at her mentor tears falling down her cheek.

"And here I thought I taught you not to cry every time a slayer dies. I will be an endless river. My life was already coming to an end. Hey almost made it to 23." Kei laughed at herself holding back her own tears.

Mustering up her strength she strokes Tsutako's cheek. "I've never been prouder knowing I have you as my successor."

Choko's POV

"Alright everybody now that you've had something to eat it's time for a totally awesome test of courage!" Pixi-Bob shouts out excitedly gathering us all in front of the forest jumping with excitement.

"Here's how things will go, class B will start by hiding along the path using their quirks to scare you as you all go along the path in pairs of 2."

Looking around I don't see Tsutako or her class they must already be in the forest getting ready.

"Oo this will be fun!" Mina squeals along with Ochako but before I can walk over to them Mr. Aizawa's scarf suddenly wraps his scarf around Mina, Kirishima, Sato, Kaminari, and Sero pulling them to the ground on their buts.

"Hey, what's the big idea?!" Mina groaned getting up.

Kirishima gets up as well "That hurt man!"

"You mean sir." Aizawa glared making Kirishima mutter an apology. "I told you all that you would have to do extra training at the camp but not just physical training. You will now have a night class on Hero laws and other general studies."


"Bu-but the test of courage!" Sero and Kaminari cried out being dragged away by Mr. Aizawa.

Mina pulls out her arm crying "Remember me!".

"We will!" I call back waving. Izuku walks over to me. "Poor Ashido."

"Well all we can do is keep her memory alive," I say putting my fist on my heart and looking up.

Izuku sweatdropped. "She's not dead."

Tsutako's POV

"Aww, we're not scarring anyone." Kinoko puffs at her long bangs looking down.

"Well, it's not like mushrooms and enhanced strength quirks are very good for scaring." Getting up from the bush we're hiding in I stretch. "I'm sure the others are doing better."

Getting up as well she joins me. "Let's try and get the.."

It's hot all of a sudden.


I smell smoke.

..Monoma would-"

"Kinoko." Stopping her mid-sentence I walk through the trees forward a bit.

"Watcha doing?"


Moving some branches aside I freeze. Fire!

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