Chapter 12

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Choko's POV

A/N: Sorry, in the last chapter I made a mistake by saying they were going to the minefield but they are going to the pit.

When me and Tsutako made it to the pit, multiple people were already crossing. This thing is deep I can't even see the bottom.

"This is so annoying." Tsutako grumbled. 

"Ya. I wanna win too. We were told to make it to the second round at least." I whisper to her. We can't win but we have to maintain our spot in the hero courses. 

She just sighed. "We should go now." 

Tsutako goes from concentration content to a stronger form of concentration breathing. You can tell by the sound of her breathing. Before I knew it she was hopping across the ropes. 

Doing the same I jump across the ropes too. Of course I have to jump like three times to get to a platform but Tsutako only has to jump once to get to the next one. Not surprisingly she makes it across first and starts impatiently tapping her foot. A smirk covers my face. 

"I'm so tired. Maybe I'll stay here for a bit." Sitting down on one of the last pillars and letting out an exaggerated yawn. 

Tsutako cups her hands around her mouth. "Get your ass over here!" 

Just a sec. Midoriya do you need help?" I turned around to Midoriya who was crawling across the rope upside down with a big robot peace. 

He freezes. "Oh it's o-"

"I'll take that as a yes." Reaching out my hand I grab him and pull him on the pillar. 

Steadying himself he looks at me surprised. "You didn't have to do that. I'm holding you back." 

"Don't worry I'm in no rush." 

"But it's a race.." 

"It is. Hold on!" I throw Midoriya over my shoulders like a sack of potatoes. 

His body stiffens as hard as stone. "W-what are you-?!" 

"Let's go!" Jumping onto the last rope and making it to the end I put Midoriya down. 

"I probably looked ridiculous." He covers his face in embarrassment. 

Tsutako's not here. Guess she went ahead. "Pep up Midoriya. There's only one obstacle left. Let's go!" 

Running ahead we stop at the beginning of a minefield. They have a minefield? Why am I not surprised?  

"But the mines are not that strong****" Midoriya starts muttering. It get's to the point were I cant understand what he's saying. 

"Hello, earth to Midoriya." Waving my hand in front of his face he seems to come back to earth. 

"I have an idea." He explains to me his plan to pile up the mines to cause one big explosion to launch us forward. 

Smiling I start walking forward. "That's a risky but good idea. Good luck and try not to die." 

"Tha-wait what?!" 

Playfully hopping over some mines, some students running forward give me weird looks. 

"La la la. Oh hey Tsutako." I walk over to Tsutako who is just standing in the middle of the field.

"There's a lot off people in front of us, can we go now?" She grinds her teeth like a beaver.

"Ya let's go!" Jumping onto Tsutako's back, she groans. 

"Get off." 

"You run to fast even while trying to run slow. I'll way you down now giddy up!" 

"I'm not a horse!" Even so she started jogging forward. 

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