Chapter 19

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Choko's POV

Looking around I find a scruffy looking man standing at a small podium. Walking over I get the man's attention. "Hello, I'd like to join the tournament." 

He looks up from counting his one dollar tips but has to look down to see me. "Sorry girly but the sign up date passed." He went back to counting his tips. 

Signing I take something out of my pockets and put it on the podium. "I'm sorry, should I ask again?" 

I smirk behind my mask seeing the man's jaw drop looking at the hundred dollar bills placed in front of him. But as expected of people he got greedy. 

"Well this might make me consider it. How about you make my decision concrete?" He smirks as if he has me in the palm of his hand. 

Not phased I put my hands on the podium lifting myself up to see him eye to eye. "If a pig eats too much he'll be picked out by the butcher." 

His smirk disappears, a scowl now covering his face. "You little bitch!" 

His hand goes to grab me but I stop it, my other hand still holding me up. He tries to move his hand from my grip but fails eventually falling back. Letting go of his hand I stand back up. Looking up at him my eyes pearce through my mask as if daring him to challenge me. 

A couple seconds passed until he looked away and let out a loud 'Tch' while sliding the money over to him. "Name." 

Perfect. "Yako." 

"Your match will start in half an hour now get out of my face." He shoo's me off then happily takes up the money and starts counting. 

Okay, I probably shouldn't have alcohol and I don't want to play cards with a bunch of drunk thugs. With that in mind I took a seat at a spare chair near the wall around the card playing area. Thankfully no one bothered me as they're all too busy picking up fights and hiding behind their cards. 

I don't sense any demons in the area. It's possible they take the winner off sight in that case- 

"Behold ladies and gentlemen, for I have a royal flush!" A loud voice caught me mid-thought.

Looking up about 20 feet away I see a man holding his cards up dramatically. He's wearing a white mask with black patterns on it and a black vest, black pants, an orange shirt underneath the vest and to top it all off a red top hat with a big white feather.

But what kept my attention was the small beads he was holding between his fingers. They're small but I can see a slight reflection of a card on it. There was an array of boos and cheers as they exchanged their money. 

Staying quiet I observe the following matches. The mask man is definitely cheating. I catch him grabbing those marble like things from his sleeve before announcing he has the winning cards. Must have something to do with his quirk. 


Loud cheers make me look to the center stage where a lone man lay bloodied and beaten while a tall buffed man stands raising his fists in triumph. A referee steps over the bloodied man like he's just a piece of old gum stuck to the floor. 

He shouts while pointing at the large man. "We have our winner! Get ready folks because next round will start soon!" 

As they both walk off the stage two men in uniform drag the beaten man outside. Yes, it's his own fault he signed up for this but I can't help but feel just a small amount of pity for him. 

"Our next contenders will be Yako and Shun the speed devil! Please make your way to the arena." The referee announces. 

Speed devil? Stopping myself from giggling at the name I made my way through the crowd I finally made my way up to the arena. 

"I'm Yako." After saying that two guards opened the cage doors and let me in. 

In front of me was who i'm assuming is Shun. He looked about in his early thirties, had yellow hair with black spots in it, black pupils with yellow Irises, cheetah ears and tail. 

He was relatively tall but almost anyone is taller than me except Mineta which I was very pleased about. Looking at the outside of the arena, it's clear people are betting against me. 

"She's just a puny little girl." 

"A cute one at that." 

"Poor thing will get her ass kicked." 

"Hey, go home and play with your dolls!" 

...I don't need to prove myself to shit bags like them but I would love to see them lose all their precious money. 

"Hey Missy, I don't usually like to hit girls. You should quit before it's too late." Shun Gives me a cocky grin licking his two sharp front teeth. 

This kind of talk is frivolous.. 

"I don't want to hit a kitten so maybe you should go back to the kennel and play with your ball of yarn." ..but why not have a little fun? 

His grin widens. "This'll be fun fox." 


The referee blows his whistle to get everyone's attention. Everyone waits in anticipation as he holds his hand up. As soon as his hand comes down the crowd erupts in screams. 

Not waiting a second he starts running around the arena in circles getting his speed up. Calmly I take out my katana, keeping the scabbard on. Holding it in front of me, my eyes following his figure. 

Ha, He's not nearly as fast as Tsutako. 

"Even I can run faster." As soon as I said that I heard a slight scid behind me. 

Quickly stepping to the side I put my katana out and watch as his face twists into surprise and pain as he runs right into it. Not giving him time to recover I took my katana and hit him in the back with the hilt making him fall to the ground. 

As I stood above him still keeping it against his back I briefly caught his eye looking up at me in a certain way. 


Something that in my line of work you get used to seeing. Fear of death, fear of demons and...Fear of you. 

He finally realizes, doesn't he. 

"Apologies but you had no hope of beating me in the first place."

Release date

A/N: Hi, the release date for chapter 20 will be on June 18. Sorry this chapter was short, the next one will be longer. Thank you. Please vote.

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