Chapter 9

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Choko's POV

"—so that's what happened." Finishing my summary I look up at the head of the hero public safety commission.

Everyone calls her Madam President. She is one of the high government officials who know about the demon slayer corpse. She's an older lady with blond hair and blue eyes.

"Hmm we're examining the Nomu and we know it's not a demon but there are some odd things about it." Madam President looks at her clipboard.

"If you don't mind I'd like to take a look at this Nomu myself." Sitting up I grab a crutch. Because of Recovery girl a good amount of my injuries were healed so I only need one crutch. But I am kind of tired. Guess all quirks do have drawbacks.

"If you insist. It's being held at Tartarus. Follow me" After changing into my uniform Madam President leads me to a long black car with tinted windows.

When sitting down I'm surprised by the person in the next seat. "Hello All Might, glad to see you're doing okay."

"Oh Mrs. Tomioka, what are you doing here?" All Might looks at me in surprise. He's in his buff form.

"Just curious to see the monster that gave even the number one hero a struggle."

As the car started to move I looked outside. Since it's only the day after the incident the news is blasting it on every channel. I hate having my picture all over the news. I work underground, not in the spotlight. I'll probably have to wear a mask when I'm working now in case anyone sees me. What a pain.

"Follow me." The driver opened the door and Madam President leads us inside. Tartarus a high maximum prison for Dangerous criminals and where the Nomu is being held.

"We're here." Madam President stops in front of a glass wall with a large monster tied up. That must be Nomu.

"We don't think it can speak and it appears to be altered to have multiple quirks but.. although it doesn't have the anatomy of a demon it does have some demon blood. So keep that in mind. And All Might don't stop her." With that she left the room.

All Might looked at me warily. "Mrs. Tomioka, please don't do anything rash."

"What's that supposed to mean? It's almost as if you don't trust me." smiling, I open the door and walk towards Nomu.

"Oh my you're quite ugly. Are you even human?" With a bit of struggle I took out my katana and stabbed it in the shoulder.

"Raghh!" It lets out a strangled scream.

"I heard you can regenerate like a demon but that's a quirk. Mind telling me what your blood demon art is?" Taking out my sword I notice its skin regenerating and poke at it with my finger.

"That's quite the quirk. You won't mind if I do this then?" Stabbing my katana into Nomu's eye, it let's put another scream of pain.

"Who gave you demon blood? Is there a demon with powers like Muzan Kibutsuji?!" Yelling, I pull out my katana But just before I'm about to stab it though its brain a calm voice on the intercom stopped me.

"Calm down Choko." Dad?

letting out a breath I put my katana away and exit the cell. Man, I got blood on my uniform. I'll have to wash it.

"You can't kill the thing Dummy, we need it alive." Tsutako walks up to me and flicks my forehead. Dad walked up to Tsutako. Both of them are in uniform.

"Your sister's right. Now come on you two. We have a meeting to attend." Turning around dad leads us to a conference room with a long table and three seats open for us.

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