Chapter 17

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Choko's POV

This is unsettling. People are constantly taking glances at me and Tsutako. I mean the festival was broadcasted nationwide but we didn't even go into the final round. 

"I hate this." Poor Tsutako is looking around frantically at the feeling of constantly being watched. 

Patting her shoulder I waved back to a group of junior high girls who were waving at us. "It's not the most pleasant feeling but remember they don't have bad intentions." I said even though I was looking around too. 

Finally getting into U.A, me and Tsutako say goodbye going into our separate classrooms. Walking in everything is the same as usual, the groups of friends are talking, the solitary people are keeping to themselves, and Mr. Aizawa is late. 

Seeing Ochako with Iida and Midoriya I walk over and give a small wave. "Good morning. Have all of you healed up from the festival?" 

Midoriya and Iida both give a nod. 

"We're all good and ready for internships!" Ochako yells a bit too loud as some people stare. Her cheeks flush a bit. "Sorry." 

internships? "Oh ya those are this week." 

"Tomioka, how could you forget?! This is one of the most important things we get to do at U.A!" It seems Iida shouted a bit too loud once again having people stare at us. 

Bakugo turned to us with a pissed off face. "Will you guys shut the hell up?!" 

Not even blinking I quickly get out my phone and take a picture of him. "Aww you look like an angry chihuahua." 

Turning over my phone I show them the picture of Bakugo who now looks like one of his veins is about to pop. "You better delete that shorty!" 

That only added to my amusement in taking another one. Everyone looked at me like I'm dead meat. 

Glancing at Bakugo who looks like he wants to strangle me Kirishima walks in front of him waving his hand as a sign of peace. "Well look at the time homeroom is about to-" 

This is another good picture 


"Your dead Shorty!" Finally, Snapping Bakugo ran forward only to be held back by Kirishima and Kaminari. 

"This isn't very manly bro." 

"Ya she's just a girl." 

Excuse me?!

Before I had the chance to respond an annoyed voice came from the door. "It's too early for this. Get in your seats." 

I don't think I've seen so many people take a seat all at once. Mr. Aizawa's red eyed stare must have done most of the convincing. As he walks in I notice something. 

"Ribbit Mr. Aizawa, your bandages are off." Asui finished my thoughts aloud. 

I give Mr. Aizawa a smile. "That was fast. I'm glad you're making a fast recovery." 

"Ya well recovery girl went a bit overboard on her treatment." He shrugged slowly walking towards the middle of the classroom. "Today we'll be working on hero informatics." 

No! This is what we get right after the festival?! 

"You'll be choosing your hero names" 

'..few' The entire class let out a sigh of relief. But what was with the dramatic pause?! 

He hits a button on a remote causing a list of names to come up on the board. "These are the numbers of internship requests each of you got."

Looking at the board gave people either a look of relief or a look of disappointment. Looking straight at the bottom I see my name. As expected I only got one request, the one from the corpse. 

Mr. Aizawa cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention. "For these internships you'll need hero names But since I'm not exactly an expert on this you'll be having another teacher approve your choices." 

Just as Mr. Aizawa said that the door swung open. "Yep, it's me! Hero names are important and if you don't choose right you could end up with them forever!" 

Midnight strutted in cracking her whip. "Now take these white boards and write down some ideas."  

After getting mine I kind of just stare at it. To be honest I thought we would have finished the mission by now so a hero name never really crossed my mind. I don't want it to be something I'll get attached to because it's only temporary. But then again this mission might last longer than expected. ...Why do I even care?! 

"Alright you've had some time now, who wants to share their names with the class?" Midnight's words made everyone freeze, putting a look of anxiety on almost all their faces. 

Suddenly an Idea came to my mind. Quietly taking out my phone I text Tsutako just to make sure she's not using it. 

"My name is 'I Cannot Stop Twinkling!" Aoyama got the entire class's attention. 

Well that certainly is a name. 

I think I can say we were all expecting Midnight to turn it down but.. "Hmm That's a little long. Maybe take out the I and make the cannot a can't." She took his board and rewrote it showing the class. 

As soon as Aoyama takes a seat Tsutako texts me back. Perfect. 

"I'll go next." Raising my hand I walk up and turn my board around revealing the word 'Fuji' written on it. 

Midnight smiles "Meaning Wisteria. That's a beautiful name but may I ask why you chose it?"

Well its a flower which is the type of breathing style I do and it's the one most deadly to demons. But of course I can't say that. "Well it's the same color as my hair and eyes. Plus it's just really pretty right?" 

Even though I'm closing my eyes while smiling I can feel everyone stare at me blankly. 

"Your right it is pretty. Approved!" Midnight dramatically cracks her whip letting me take a seat.

 Eventually everyone went up Bakugo's dramatic King Explosion Murderer name got turned town immediately, Midoriya chose the name Deku saying that someone helped change the meaning and Iida well he just chose the name Tenya. 

Iida he's mad. He's not showing it but I can tell, he's holding a deep hatred for something deep inside him.

Before we knew it we were at the train station waiting for Mr. Aizawa to dismiss us so we can head off to our internships. "Alright everyone you better behave at your internships and remember you're all representing U.A high. Dismissed." 

Midoriya and Ochako tried to talk to Iida before but he just said he was fine dismissing them.

Seeing everyone go their separate ways I walk up to Iida and tap on his shoulder causing him to turn around and look at me. "Oh Tomioka, is everything okay?" 

He talks in his usual calm demeanor but His eyes.. There's no question he's livid. 

Putting on a serious face I look him straight in the eyes. "Listen to me Iida, anger can be a good thing. It can give you strength to persevere and become stronger but it can also blind your judgment and any good intentions you think you have. If you stay angry for too long.. It will consume you. Remember that." 

Seeing his shocked face I give him a small pat on the shoulder and leave him to dwell in his own thoughts. Walking towards my train I give him one last glance. 

Iida it's too late for me but it's not too late for you. 

Release date

A/N: Hi, the release date for chapter 18 will be some time on May 26. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, please vote.

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