Chapter 21

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Choko's POV

Noticing my sorry state I quickly lift up my mask and dry my tears. "Heh, you know I'd never thought I would cry over a demon." 

Putting my mask on I look up at my former comrade one more time. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you." 

Don't let your emotions get in the way Choko, finish your mission. With that I walk away not turning back. But just before I'm about to look for a way out, something in the far corner catches my eyes. Going over to it I let out a long breath seeing four sheathed katanas piled on top of each other. 

Knowing Emiko's had a small tear in the front I picked hers up. Unsheathing it I look at the beautiful blue just like dads and her round sword guard with raindrops circling it. The blade has a couple small chips on the top. You must have fought hard. 

Taking her katana I sheath it in mine's place. "I'll bring this back to your family but for now I hope you don't mind if I borrow it." 

After walking around for a bit I find all that is in this big room is tanks with wires coming out of them, no papers or anything that could give us any sort of lead. Walking away I go to find the door. I'll have to call Mika and get her to deliver the location so I can stay watch. 

Finding the door I reach out my hand and try to pull it open only to find it locked. Of course. Before I could try again a loud alarm rang through the room. 

'Beep! Beep! Beep!' 

...Why do I feel like such an idiot? 

The sound of water draining puts me on high alert immediately taking out the katana. 


"Flower breathing first form, Orchid Blossoming." Turning around I attempt to deflect the thousands pieces of shattered glass headed my way. I get away with only a few shards bouncing off my mask. 

As soon as the wave of glass stops I run forward. 28 demons, probably haven't eaten any humans yet, I can do this! About 8 demon's come running towards me, all of their mouths drooling. Stopping, I let the demon cluster together running towards me.

A little bit! "Fifth form, Peonies of Futility"

I let out multiple attacks weaving together causing multiple of the demon head's and other body parts to fall off and blood to splatter on my clothes. 

They don't even have the skill to dodge. They probably can't even pierce the Corpse uniform. 

The one at the end of the group got off with just a cut off arm and abdomen. Stepping over the other demon's ashes I swiftly cut the demon's head off letting it fall to the ground. 

Seeing the demons all charging towards me I take a deep breath. 



flower breathing



Not thinking I just do that over and over again. 

Killing another group I run towards the one survivor as he cowards on the ground pushing his legs back in a sorry attempt to escape 

"Bye bye now." Giving it a cheerful wave I decapitate it and watch its head roll down disintegrating. 

Stopping to steady my breaths a single bead of sweat rolls down my forehead. I quickly steady my breathing as there are still more demons in front of me. 

There's no one around. Lifting my head up I throw my mask to the side and point the Katana at them. "Let's have some fun shall we?" 


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