Chapter 20

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Choko's POV

How did I get into this? 

"Get her man!" 

"I got my money on the girl." 

Here I am arm wrestling with countless people watching and shouting. The man across from me is a chubby middle aged man who already looks like he's sweating. As he tries to push my hand down his face scrunches into all sorts of weird expressions. 

I'm getting bored. 'Slam!' 

The crowd went quiet as they all saw my hand push his down in seconds. Although only seconds passed before loud they all cheered and clinked their overflowing cups of beer. 

Looking at the defeated man I get up and give a small bow. "It was a pleasure." 

Before I could leave some man shouted "Hey get this little Missy a beer!" 

"Thank you but I'm not thirsty." Waving him off I make my way out of the crowd. 

Leaning against the wall I watch as the next match commences. This is my second day here and I have nothing. All of yesterday and today was spent going against more petty criminals but I did find out one thing, this tournament is supposed to last for another week. The internships will be over by then. I mean I'm sure the corpse would let me stay longer but there's always a chance I'd be replaced with another slayer so I don't draw any suspicion at U.A. 

Feeling someone walk toward me I look up. "You know you look awfully suspicious just standing around here." 

It's him, the masked man who was playing cards the first day I came here. 

"I wasn't aware that just standing was considered suspicious." I look up at him both of our masks meating. 

Looking at his mask with my good eyesight I was able to see two small holes with brown eyes behind them. 

"You must not be from these parts then. What's a young blood like you doing around here?" 

"Oh just looking for something fun to do." 

"And are you having fun." Something mischievous was in his voice. What is he thinking about?

"Haha, while it is fun to stretch a bit, I'm looking for a real challenge. You know?" 

He paused a moment after that. "You want to know where you can have some real fun?" 


"It sounds like you have a secret up your sleeve. I'd love to have some fun." I cheer smirking behind my mask. 

"I do have many tricks up my sleeve." Saying that he roles a blue bead down his hand and in between his fingers. "You want a chance to become stronger and have some fun?" 

This is my opening! Those cards seem to hold things, this could be risky but.. "You had me at fun." 

And as soon as I said that the man's hand came towards me. Not stopping him I let him grab my hand as everything then faded into black. 

"You'll have plenty of fun."




Where am I? 

This presence..Demons! 

Slowly opening my eyes I look around. Okay I'm lying down in a cage being carried by demons but at least my mask is still on. But I sense more than two demons. Still pretending to be asleep I watch as we go in another direction going to a door at the end of the hall. 

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