Chapter 28

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Choko's POV

I don't like to cry. 

It makes me feel weak, vulnerable, and everytime one of my comrades is killed I feel like dropping to the floor crying but I hold it in because I have to be strong. But I don't feel vulnerable right now. 

I'm glad Midoriya let me cry. 

'Sniff' Pulling myself together I let go of his embrace getting off of the car. "Thank you Izuku. Come let's take a walk, stretch ours legs." 

I walk forward silently giggling to myself hearing midoriya stop in his tracks. "I-Izuku?!"

Ha, this boy is too much! Turning around I smile. "You've seen me cry so I believe you're now eligible to say my first name. I'm just reciprocating." 

"First name?!" 

"Well now you're just repeating what I say. Now repeat this." 

Walking in front of him I put my finger on my neck. "Cho-ko." I say demonstrate slowly. 


That's all that comes out of the flustered boy's mouth. And Tsutako said I'm bi polar look at this boy! I really didn't want to do this. 

Turning around I sigh dramatically. "Oh well I guess my name is to ugly to be uttered by the human mouth." 

"Oh, come on that's not fair. You-Your name is beautiful!" He yelled suddenly at the end. 

"What's beautiful?" 

Izuku looked to the side all mopey. "Your name."

 "And what's that?" 

"Choko." He mumbled quietly." 

"I can't hear you." I sing stepping back. 

"Come on one more try and I'll give up." 

Taking a breath Midoriya looked up at me. "Choko." 

Boo ya! 

"Great, now let's go Izuku!"

Choko's POV

A/N: My Hero Academia, Two Heroes movie 

"It's not that I wouldn't love a good vacation but why me?" I ask Tsutako taking a seat on the couch. 

"Well the Hashira's have more important things to do and as the highest ranking members in the area one of us should stay back." Tsutako explains finishing her soup. 

Yes, while Dad is gone dinner is on the couch watching TV! 

But what about the other two? "Why can't Masaki or Haku go? Aren't they in area's the hashira are in?" 

Tsutako sighed. "Well Haku is on a mission and the higher up's decided that you were 'the most suited for holding onto important relationships.' out of the three of us. Translation: you're charismatic and mostly nice, we're uncharismatic and mostly mean." 

"Aw, don't act all tough." I wrap my arms around her, locking her in a hug. 

"Get off me!" 

"Nope, you're mine now.." 

Quickly reaching behind her back I let go and hold It up triumphantly. "Remote! It's action movie time!" 

"Hey, we're watching my mystery show! Hand it over!" Tsutako grabbed the remote trying to pry it out of my hands. 

"But you solve the mystery before they even reveal it. My action movies are much more exciting." 

"Are not." 

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