Chapter 32

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Choko's POV

The blond one jumped in front of the bus slamming her hand on the ground causing a blue glow. Immediately the ground started shaking, I watched from the side as they all got blown off the cliff ending with a giant cloud of dust. 

I walk over to the edge seeing that they all landed safely. As they all looked up I gave them a wave. "Why hello there." 

Backugou shook his fist at me. "Hey, you get your ass down here bug eyes!" 

"But the view is so beautiful up here." 

"Hey, if we have to be stuck down here then so do you!" Kaminari cries. 

"Come on Choko!" Ochako yelled up. 


Ah, there it is. 

"Thank you Izuku for asking oh so nicely," I emphasize nicely pointing my finger at Bakugou who rolls his eyes. 

Going back a bit I take a leap off the cliff. "Weee!" 

As anticipated Izuku used his quirk to jump up and catch me midair. Setting me down I look up at him smiling. "You know I could have landed but I'm getting quite comfy with you carrying me around." 

A slight blush came on his freckled face before he sighed, chuckling lightly. "Well, I'm glad you're comfy." 


"My, my, that was a new reaction. Your face isn't as red as a tomato but you know.." Leaning up I whisper into his ear. "I do find it quite cute." 

Hehe, that'll do it. Backing up I found I was right seeing Izuku an entirely new shade of red. 

"Hey, you guys!" We all look up hearing the brown-haired pussy cat yell from the cliff. "By the way, I'm Manadaley and the one in the blue is Pixi-Bob. You have until noon to make it through The Beast Forest!" She yells the last part extra loud then turns and leaves. 

Kirishima scratches his neck. "Jeez, sounds like a name from a fantasy book or something." 

"Turning around I pump my fist up. "Alright let's go!" 


Oh ya, Mineta. Taking a step forward I freeze. Eh, it'll do him no harm but.. "By the way Izuku."

He turned to me, his face slowly turning back to normal color. 

"There's a large moving object coming towards the perv." 

His eyes widened facing forward as we both saw some sort of giant.. Is that dirt? In no time Izuku used his quirk, running ahead and getting Mineta out of the way. 

"Of course." I sigh, scolding myself for thinking it would be this easy. 


Running up I ran across it cutting its lower half off. But before I could go for the top a green glow zips past me seeing Izuku smashing the falling dirt monster to bits and turning around with those green glow in his eyes fading from him turning off his quirk. "This is Pixy Bob's quirk. There has to be more in the forest." 

"When are we gonna stop falling for Aizaw's tricks?" Jiro signed. 

'Rauhhh!!' Many jumped at the loud roar coming from the woods. 

"Well, we're dead," Jiro said flatly with many nodding behind her. 

Looking to Izuku I rub my fingers together smiling big. "First to make it out of the forest get 2950.96 yen?" 

He sweatdrops. "Uh, do we have to make this a bet?"

"I wouldn't say a bet but some... harmless fun!" I nod to myself. Looking up at him I put sigh. "737,75 yen?" 

To my surprise, he chuckled lightly nodding his head. "Alright, deal."


We all head into the forest I can't feel any monsters coming closer. They must be out of my range even so, I keep a strong hold on my sword. 

Suddenly surprise surprise Backugou starts tapping his foot impatiently. "This is boring! Ears use your quirk and find out where the hell these things are!" 

He snaps at Jiro who huffs in return. "Don't tell me what to do." 

Even saying that she plugs her earphone jacks into the ground closing her eyes. We all stare in anticipation as she opens her eyes and stands up. "They're about half a mile. from here."

 Wasting no time he bolts off in front using his quirk. Todoroki follows behind, sliding on his ice. 

"Suppose I'll join as well." I also take off running ahead. 

"Hey, isn't this supposed to be a team effort?!" I hear Kaminari yell from behind

Izuku and the others are following as well. Soon Izuku and I both spot two monsters coming towards us. Looking towards each other we nod. 

Going up we do the same as last time with me cutting straight through the first monster's bottom and quickly going to the second. Once again Izuku punches down the first one and quickly jumps back up destroying the second one. 

Landing I hold my hand out for a high five which he returns. "We'll call that one a tie." 

Looking to the side I see everyone destroying more oncoming dirt monsters. "Ready?" Izuku looks at me half smiling. 



Why, cruel world?! I cry holding a nauseous Ochako as we all finally make it out of the forest. 

More sweet beads come down my forehead and my breath is raggedy. I wanna go to sleep!! 

"We-we started at 8, and the-the sun is setting now." Momo wiped her forehead walking next to me. 

"That's like 10 hours!" Sero cries dropping to the floor. 

That seemed to start a chain of half of the class dropping to the floor. 

"Good j-job class A." Iida breathed out limping from over using his quirk. 

Feeling Ochako loosen her grip I let her down in which she immediately made herself comfortable on the ground hugging her knees. "The dirt is just so soft." she sighed, relaxing.

Patting her head I trudge over to Izuku who also seems to also close to hugging the ground. "I think I won." 

"Oh, come on." He breathes out, taking his hands off his knees. "I think we kind of lost count." 

Thinking for a moment I shake my head begrudgingly. "Okay, okay we'll call it a draw." 

"But!" I shouted, making him jump a bit. "Next time we keep count, deal?" 

Letting out a breath he smiles. "Alright." 

"You're finally back," Mandaley said, coming up with Mr. Aizawa and Pixi-Bob behind her. 

"You said it would only take us till noon!" Mina cried falling to the floor. 

Mandalay scratched her head guiltily. "Well we kind of bast that on how fast it would take us." 

I really shouldn't have taken that long. Teamwork is hard. 

"Now they're bragging about how much better they are." Sero said from the floor. 

"How rude." Aoyama huffed out.

Pixi-Bob came in front. "Hey, but you all did much better against my monsters than I thought, especially.." 

Moving her gaze she points to Me, Izuku, Backugou, Todoroki, and Iida. 

  "You five! I call dips on these little kittens!" 

Release date

A/N: Hi, the release for chapter 33 will be sometime on November 28. Sorry, this chapter is short but I hope you liked it. Please vote!

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