Chapter 33

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Choko's POV

"I call dips on these little kittens!" Pixi-Bob jumps towards us surrounding us as if we were a mouse.

As she was hounding us I caught Mr. Aizawa raising an eyebrow. "Is she always like this?" 

I hear Mandalay reply "It's gotten worse, she's at the age to take a partner". 

You've got to be kidding me. 

Closing my eyes for just a second I suddenly hear "Speaking of age-".  Oh God Izuku.

Snapping open my eyes I shake my head seeing Pix-Bob covering Izuku's mouth with her cat clove. "Choose your next words wisely kid." 

"I-I was just wondering, who that kid is, what's he doing out here?" Izuku muffles out.

"Oh." Pixi-Bob lets go. 

"This is Kota, my cousin, he's living with me so he'll be staying here at the camp. Go on Kota say hi." Mandalay explains tapping Kota on the back to go say hi but the kid doesn't move. He doesn't look too happy to be here. 

Not reading the mood Izuku goes up to the kid holding his out. "HI, I'm Izuku Midoriya a hero in training. It's nice to meet you Kota." 

He greets him with a smile on his face. Wait.. 


"Gah!" Izuku wheezes out after Kota punches him right in the groin. 

Iida immediately ran to Izuku's side helping him up. "You fiend of a child! A punch to the scrotum is unforgivable!" 

Kota to turned around glaring at him. "Tch, the last thing I need to to be surrounded by a bunch of wanna-be heroes." With that, he walked away. 

"Oh, my." 

Backugou smirked, "That brat's got spunk." 

"He's probably like you were as a kid." Todoroki said flatly. 

"What'd you say?!" 

Slipping away from the class I turn the corner of the cabin going up to Koda. 

Tapping him on the shoulder he jumps a bit turning around. "The hell? What do you want?" 

This kid really does have a mouth. 

Giving a small smile I crouch down to his height. "What's wrong?" 

His scowl falters but is quickly put back on. "None of your business get lost." 

"You're right it is none of my business I apologize." This makes his eyes widen a bit. 

"But. If you ever need to get out that anger instead of punching someone come talk to me, I'd be happy to listen." 

With that, I get up leaving hearing a small "Whatever" from Kota. 

"Tomioka come. Where going to unload our stuff from the bus." Iida calls me over. 

"Comming!" Jogging over to the bus I take a glance back to see Kota gone. 

Mabye I should stay out of his business but that look on his made me sad.

"Food!" Kirishima and Kaminari cry out as we all go into the dining hall to find plates and plates of food. 

"Thank you!" Many of us cheer as we all run grabbing plates. 

Smelling something my head perks up. "Takoyaki!" 

Running over I grab multiple with my chopsticks until they take up half of my plate. 

"Hey save some for us!" Ojiro and Sero yelled. 

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